Dexteris is a low-code tool for data exploration and transformation. It works as an interactive data-oriented query builder with JSONiq as the target query language. It uses JSON as the pivot data format but it can read from and write to a few other formats: text, CSV, and RDF/Turtle (to be extended to other formats).
Dexteris is very expressive as JSONiq is Turing-complete, and supports a varied set of data processing features:
- reading JSON files, and CSV as JSON (one object per row, one field per column);
- string processing (split, replace, match, ...);
- arithmetics, comparison, and logics;
- accessing and creating JSON data structures;
- iterations, grouping, filtering, aggregates and ordering (FLWOR operators);
- local function definitions. The built JSONiq programs are high-level, declarative, and concise. Under-progress results are given at every step so that users can keep focused on their data and on the transformations they want to apply.
Dexteris is freely available as a client-side web application, i.e. it runs entirely in your browser. This means that your data remains safely on your machine and is never communicated to any third-party.
A screencast of an example transformation from JSON to CSV is available as a YouTube video.
Author: Sébastien Ferré
Affiliation: Univ. Rennes, team LACODAM at IRISA
Copyright © 2023 Sébastien Ferré, IRISA, Université de Rennes, France
Licence: Apache Licence 2.0
Citation: Ferré, Sébastien. ‘Dexteris: Data Exploration and Transformation with a Guided Query Builder Approach’. Int. Conf. Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA). LNCS, 2023.