AccessionNumbers are nothing but a string followed by digits combination in the format L..LN..N where L denotes Capital Alpha Chars and N denotes 0-9 digits eg: ABC0123
The goal of the project is to format the list of AccessionNumbers we input
Eg : BB123,ABC345,DSS345 is transformed to sorted list ABC345,BB123,DSS345
ABC0123,ABC0124,ABC0125,ABC123 is transformed to ABC0123-ABC0125,ABC123
//Above format is like if any consecutive N..N share the same prefix L..L are collapsed into an accession number range.
**Note**: N..N should be of same lenth as well
If any list is provided wih other than L..LN..N format the program will throw error.
Below are the steps to set up the project in local development environment.
IDE - Eclipse / IntelliJ
And all paths set in environment variables
Please import the java sources [src folder] using maven import from existing sources in the File-> Import options of IDE. Point the import folder to the folder ( AccessionNumber ) containing the pom.xml
| |-main
| | |-java
| | |
| |
| |-test
| |-java
| |
Below are the JUnit test cases written in src/test/
- testEmptyAccessionNumberList
- tests whether Program returns empty String and logs info on to provide a List
- testInvalidAccessionNumberList
- test whether Program returns empty String and logs info on to provide a Valid List
- testSortedAccessionNumberList
- test whether Program returns sorted iput List eg : BB123,AB123 should return AB123,BB123
- testRangeAccessionNumberList
- test whether Program returns collapsed range of Acc Numbers eg: A123,A124,A125 should return A123-A125
- testNotInRangeAccessionNumberList
- test whether Program not returns collapsed range of Acc Numbers eg: A0123,A124,A0125 should return A0123,A124,A0125 as even though the N..N are consecutive their length is different
- testAllValidAccessionNumberList
- test whether Program returns correct output for all valid scenarios
Right click pom.xml and select Run as Maven Build and execute the goals "clean package" in eclipse else Go to AccessionNumber folder path in command prompt and execute below command
D:\AccesionNumber>mvn clean package
- commons-lang3
- junit
As we are using spring-boot-maven-plugin to package we will get a single stand-alone jar AccessionNumber-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar in src/target folder
Execute the below command in command prompt
JarPath>java -jar AccessionNumber-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar <list of AccessionNumbers>
eg : java -jar AccessionNumber-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar A6,A0,A3
Output List : A0,A3,A6
Else if you are in Windows run or execute batch script AccessionNumber.bat
- Selvakumar Kamatchinathan
- Java 8 Streams which made the code easy
- EMBL Team for Providing the opportunity to code and learn