Sphygmogram VSR compute util
The VSRstats package is completely pip-installable use: $ pip install VSRstats
or install from github: $ pip install git+https://github.com/semenovDA/VSRstats
You can use example that included in this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/semenovDA/VSRstats
$ pyhton example.py
from struct import unpack
import numpy as np
from VSRstats import VSR
def loadSignal(filepath):
file = open(filepath, "rb").read()
ufile = unpack('10000H', file)
arr = np.array(ufile)
return arr
filepath = './data/d0001' # path to signal
signal = loadSignal(filepath)
stats = VSR(signal).stats
{'nni_counter': 125, 'nni_mean': 79.92, 'nni_min': 66.0, 'nni_max': 88.0, 'hr_mean': 752.1562922784314,
'hr_min': 681.8181818181819, 'hr_max': 909.0909090909091, 'hr_std': 33.27091439584001, ..... 'tri_index': 1.6025641025641026}
filepathes = ['./data/d0001', './data/d0002', './data/d0003'] # Signals
signals = np.array([loadSignal(f) for f in filepathes])
stats = VSR(signals).stats