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Turn the test type from a simple tuple into a record (#9322)
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I want to add support for capturing and checking the output of tests. We
want the test framework to manage the output snapshots, show us the
differences with expectations, and let us approve new output. This will
require specifying options such as "capture stdout for this test and
compare it against the expectation".

This PR creates a richer type for specifying tests and provides a
function `create_test` with optional arguments. The legacy way of
specifying a test using just a pair (name, function) is still supported
and used in many places but it requires a call to `simple_test` or
`simple_tests` to convert to the new type.

Future steps will involve implementing was I mentioned in
mirage/alcotest#400. If things work out, it
may be integrated into Alcotest or become a standalone library that
wraps around Alcotest. For now, we're keeping it in semgrep. The next
steps are:
* figure out how to add subcommands to the test program (`status`,
`approve`, `rerun`)
* implement stdout/stderr capturing
* implement the new subcommands

These initial changes will break semgrep-proprietary but it should only
be a matter of inserting calls to `Testutil.simple_test` like I did on
the semgrep code base. I'm not a fan of the name `Testutil`, I'm
thinking of renaming it to something that alludes more to an
experimental extension of Alcotest. Update: I renamed `Testutil` and
isolated it in its own library named `Alcotest_ext`.
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mjambon authored Dec 2, 2023
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Utilities for writing test suites for Alcotest.
Keep in mind that some of this may become its own library or move to

open Printf

(* Helpers *)

(* safe version of for ocaml < 5 *)
let list_map f l = List.rev_map f l |> List.rev

(* safe version of List.flatten *)
let list_flatten ll =
List.fold_left (fun acc l -> List.rev_append l acc) [] ll |> List.rev

(* Tags *)

module Tag = struct
type t = (* private *) string

let compare =
let equal = String.equal
let show x = x
let to_string x = x

The tag syntax is a dot-separated identifier similar to pytest markers.
coupling: update the error message below when changing this syntax
let tag_syntax = {|\A[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*(?:[.][a-z_][a-z_0-9]*)*\z|}

let has_valid_tag_syntax =
(* We use the same regexp library as Alcotest to facilitate
future integration efforts. *)
let re = Re.Pcre.regexp tag_syntax in
fun tag -> Re.execp re tag

let check_tag_syntax tag =
if not (has_valid_tag_syntax tag) then
"Alcotest_ext.declare_tag: invalid syntax for test tag %S.\n\
It must be a dot-separated sequence of one or more lowercase \
identifiers e.g. \"foo_bar.v2.todo\" . It must match the following \
\ %s" tag tag_syntax)

(* no duplicates are allowed *)
let declared_tags : (t, unit) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 100

let declare tag =
check_tag_syntax tag;
if Hashtbl.mem declared_tags tag then
"Alcotest_ext.declare_tag: tag %S was declared multiple times.\n\
Each tag must be declared exactly once to avoid accidental \
else Hashtbl.add declared_tags tag ();

let list () =
Hashtbl.fold (fun tag () acc -> tag :: acc) declared_tags []
|> List.sort

(* Main types *)

type output =
| Ignore_output
| Stdout
| Stderr
| Merged_stdout_stderr
| Separate_stdout_stderr

type 'a t = {
(* The will be used as a compact key
for referencing tests in filters and in file names. *)
id : string;
category : string list;
name : string;
func : unit -> 'a;
(* Options *)
tags : Tag.t list;
speed_level : Alcotest.speed_level;
check_output : output;
skipped : bool;

type test = unit t
type lwt_test = unit Lwt.t t

(* Legacy type that doesn't support options *)
type simple_test = string * (unit -> unit)

(* Conversions *)

(* Create a short alphanumeric hash. With only 28 bits, there's a tiny
chance that we run into collisions. *)
let update_id x =
(* 30-bit hash *)
let hash = Hashtbl.hash_param 1_000_000 1_000_000 (x.category, in
let long_id = Printf.sprintf "%08x" hash in
assert (String.length long_id = 8);
(* 28 bits or 7 hexadecimal characters *)
(* nosemgrep: ocamllint-str-first-chars *)
let id = String.sub long_id 0 7 in
{ x with id }

let create ?(category = []) ?(check_output = Ignore_output) ?(skipped = false)
?(speed_level = `Quick) ?(tags = []) name func =
{ id = ""; category; name; func; tags; speed_level; check_output; skipped }
|> update_id

let opt option default = Option.value option ~default

let update ?category ?check_output ?func ?name ?skipped ?speed_level ?tags old =
id = "";
category = opt category old.category;
name = opt name;
func = opt func old.func;
tags = opt tags old.tags;
speed_level = opt speed_level old.speed_level;
check_output = opt check_output old.check_output;
skipped = opt skipped old.skipped;
|> update_id

let has_tag tag test = List.mem tag test.tags
let simple_test (name, func) = create name func
let simple_tests simple_tests = list_map simple_test simple_tests

let pack_tests_pro suite_name (tests : _ list) : _ list =
list_map (fun x -> update x ~category:(suite_name :: x.category)) tests

let pack_tests suite_name tests = pack_tests_pro suite_name (simple_tests tests)

let pack_suites suite_name (tests : _ t list list) : _ t list =
tests |> list_flatten |> pack_tests_pro suite_name

Sort by category and test name.
let sort (tests : _ t list) : _ t list =
|> List.stable_sort (fun a b ->
let c = compare a.category b.category in
if c <> 0 then c else

Group pairs by the first value of the pair, preserving the original
order as much as possible.
let group_by_key key_value_list =
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 100 in
|> List.iteri (fun pos (k, v) ->
let tbl_v =
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl k with
| None -> (pos, [ v ])
| Some (pos, vl) -> (pos, v :: vl)
Hashtbl.replace tbl k tbl_v);
let clusters =
Hashtbl.fold (fun k (pos, vl) acc -> (pos, (k, List.rev vl)) :: acc) tbl []
|> List.sort (fun (pos1, _) (pos2, _) -> compare pos1 pos2)
|> list_map snd

let to_alcotest tests : _ list =
|> list_map (fun x ->
let tags =
match x.tags with
| [] -> ""
| tags ->
let tags = List.sort tags in
sprintf " {%s}" (String.concat ", " tags)
let suite_name =
match x.category with
| [] ->
| path -> String.concat " > " path
let suite_name = sprintf "[%s]%s %s" tags suite_name in
let func = if x.skipped then Alcotest.skip else x.func in
(* This is the format expected by Alcotest: *)
(suite_name, (, x.speed_level, func)))
|> group_by_key

let to_alcotest_lwt = to_alcotest
let registered_tests : test list ref = ref []
let registered_lwt_tests : lwt_test list ref = ref []
let register x = registered_tests := x :: !registered_tests
let register_lwt x = registered_lwt_tests := x :: !registered_lwt_tests

let test ?check_output ?speed_level name func =
create ?check_output ?speed_level name func |> register

let test_lwt ?check_output ?speed_level name func =
create ?check_output ?speed_level name func |> register_lwt

let get_registered_tests () = List.rev !registered_tests
let get_registered_lwt_tests () = List.rev !registered_lwt_tests

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