Simple console logger
- Four levels of severity: π΄ Error, π Warning, π΅ Debug, π£ Info
- Nine tag types: π‘ Network, π Database, π₯ UI, πΎ File, π Security, π Payment, βοΈ System, π§° Utility, π Other
- Output to console, file, or a custom endpoint like Google Analytics or Firebase Crashlytics
- Efficiently debug complex apps by filtering logs to avoid console clutter.
- Easily toggle logging for specific components like UI or database interactions.
- Send errors and warnings to external services like Google Analytics or Firebase Crashlytics for better monitoring.
Logger.debug("Network.connect - connection established successfully", tag: .net)
// Output: [π΅ Debug] [2023-12-24 22:00:45] β π‘ Network.connect: connection established successfully
Logger.warning("Network.connect \(error.localizedDescription)", tag: .net)
// Output: [π Warning] [2023-12-24 22:00:45] β π‘ Network.connect: Wi-Fi is not turned on
Logger.error("Network.processData \(error.localizedDescription)", tag: .net)
// Output: [π΄ Error] [2023-12-24 22:00:45] β π‘ Network.processData: Decoding was unsuccessful. Nothing was saved
// Configure the logger output format
Logger.config = .plain // Options: .plain (no date), .full (includes date and verbose level)
// Set the output transport method
Logger.type = .console // Options: .console, .file(filePath: String), .custom(onLog: LogType.OnLog)
// Define the logging mode for levels and tags
Logger.mode = .everything // Options: .everything (all logs), .nothing (disable logging), .essential (warnings and errors only)
// Convenient one-liner setup
Logger.setup(config: .full, mode: .essential, type: .console)
// Define a custom logging function
let onLog: LogType.OnLog = { msg, level, tag in
// Only send warnings and errors to the custom endpoint
if [.error, .warning].contains(level) {
sendToAnalytics(msg, level: level, tag: tag)
// Set the logger to use the custom output
Logger.type = .custom(onLog)
Logger.warn("User session expired", tag: .security) // This will be sent to the custom endpoint
Logger.error("Failed to save data", tag: .db) // This will be sent to the custom endpoint"User opened settings", tag: .ui) // This will not be sent
Since iOS14+ Target apples own Logger class, write: os.Logger
If mesages in only shows messages as private. Read the logger article on on how to change that.
import os // Need to import os.Logger
let logger = os.Logger(subsystem: "co.acme.ExampleApp", category: "ExampleApp")
let onLog: LogType.OnLog = { msg, level, _ in
logger.log("\(msg, privacy: .public)") // Reveals the redacted text from the message
Logger.type = .custom(onLog) // Add the custom output closure to the logger"Something happened") // Prints to (filter by category or subsystem)
The Trace
class can be combined with Logger
to include function names, class names, and line numbers in your logs.
class Test {
func myFunction() {
Trace.trace("This msg")
Test().myFunction() // Prints "This msg is called from function: myFunction in class: Test on line: 13"
Logger.warn("\(Trace.trace() - error occured", tag: .net) - error occured") // Called inside NetManager.connect
// Prints: [οΈπ Warning] [23-12-24 22:00:45] β π‘ NetManager.connect - error occured
- Print only works when debugging an app. When the app is built for running, Swift.print doesn't work anymore. Use file logging in release if needed.
- Use the Telemetry for GA hook.
Add the following line to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", branch: "main")
Then add Logger
as a dependency for your targets:
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Logger", package: "Logger"),
- Consider including the
call in log call so it can be toggled on and off - Add the tag-type emoji to output just before the message
- Research how to log fatal crashes, if possible. Exception handling needs to be explored
- Conduct more research on logging best practices
- Add terminal color to formatting text:
- Add native OS support:
- Test Firebase Crashlytics in a demo project
- Add support for oslog in the framework. We currently support it in the ad-hoc callback. Add this to unit test as well as instructions on usage and limitations.
- Consider adding another log type called "important"
- Add usage gif exploring system console, google-analytics, xcode consol
- Add problem / solution to readme
- Add a note about apples OS.Logger. And its limitations.
- Add protocol oriented design:
protocol LoggerProtocol {
func log(message: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag)
// Implementations
class ConsoleLogger: LoggerProtocol {
func log(message: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) {
class FileLogger: LoggerProtocol {
// File logging implementation...
- Add console color codes:
extension String {
enum ConsoleColor: String {
case red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
case orange = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
case blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
case purple = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
case reset = "\u{001B}[0;0m"
func colored(_ color: ConsoleColor) -> String {
return "\(color.rawValue)\(self)\(ConsoleColor.reset.rawValue)"
// Apply Colors in Logging:
extension Logger {
fileprivate static func formatMessage(_ msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) -> String {
// Existing formatting code...
var text = "[\(levelText)]"
if config.showDate {
let date = config.dateFormatter.string(from: Date())
text += " [\(date)]"
text += " β \(tag.rawValue) \(msg)"
// Apply color based on log level
switch level {
case .error:
text = text.colored(.red)
case .warning:
text = text.colored(.orange)
case .debug:
text = text.colored(.blue)
case .info:
text = text.colored(.purple)
return text
- Add Native OS Logging Support (os.log)
import os
public enum LogType {
// Existing cases...
case osLog(OSLog = .default)
extension LogType {
internal func log(msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) {
switch self {
// Existing cases...
case let .osLog(logger):
if #available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, *) {
logger.log("\(msg, privacy: .public)")
} else {
os_log("%{public}@", log: logger, type: .default, msg)
// Configure logger to use osLog
Logger.type = .osLog()
// Log messages"Application started", tag: .system)
- Implement Exception Handling for Fatal Crashes
// Set Up Exception Handler:
func setUpExceptionHandler() {
NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler { exception in
Logger.error("Uncaught exception: \(exception)", tag: .system)
// Set Up Signal Handler:
import Darwin
func setUpSignalHandler() {
signal(SIGABRT) { _ in
Logger.error("Received SIGABRT signal", tag: .system)
signal(SIGILL) { _ in
Logger.error("Received SIGILL signal", tag: .system)
// Add handlers for other signals as needed
// Call Handlers at App Launch:
// In AppDelegate or main entry point
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ application: UIApplication) {
// Other initialization code...
// Extend LogType:
public enum LogType {
// Existing cases...
case crashlytics
// Implement Crashlytics Logging:
extension LogType {
internal func log(msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) {
switch self {
// Existing cases...
case .crashlytics:
if level == .error {
let error = NSError(domain: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "Logger", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: msg])
Crashlytics.crashlytics().record(error: error)
// Usage Example:
Logger.type = .crashlytics
Logger.error("Critical failure", tag: .system)
Introduce a New Log Level "Important"
Description: Add a new log level for messages that are more significant than info
but not quite warning
- Add New Case in
public enum LogLevel: String, CaseIterable {
// Existing cases...
case important = "π’"
- Add Title for the New Level:
extension LogLevel {
var title: String {
switch self {
// Existing cases...
case .important:
return "Important"
- Add Method in
extension Logger {
public static func important(_ msg: String, tag: LogTag = .other) {
log(msg, level: .important, tag: tag)
- Usage Example:
Logger.important("User achieved a significant milestone", tag: .achievement)
Adopt Protocol-Oriented Design
Description: Refactor the logger to use protocols, allowing for greater flexibility, easier testing, and adherence to SOLID principles.
- Define
public protocol LoggerProtocol {
func log(_ msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag)
- Create Concrete Implementations:
public class ConsoleLogger: LoggerProtocol {
public func log(_ msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) {
public class FileLogger: LoggerProtocol {
private let filePath: String
public init(filePath: String) {
self.filePath = filePath
public func log(_ msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) {
// Implement file writing logic here
- Modify
to UseLoggerProtocol
public final class Logger {
public static var logger: LoggerProtocol = ConsoleLogger()
// Modify log methods to use `logger.log(...)`
- Usage Example:
Logger.logger = FileLogger(filePath: "/path/to/log.txt")"This will be logged to a file")
Add Support for Swift Concurrency (async
Description: Modernize the logger to be compatible with Swift's async/await concurrency model.
extension Logger {
public static func logAsync(_ msg: String, level: LogLevel, tag: LogTag) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in .utility).async {
log(msg, level: level, tag: tag)
Task {
await Logger.logAsync("Asynchronous log message", level: .info, tag: .system)
Description: Ensure that logging is safe in multi-threaded environments, particularly when writing to shared resources like files.
- Use Serial Dispatch Queues:
extension LogType {
private static let fileWriteQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.logger.fileWriteQueue")
static func writeToFile(string: String, filePath: String) {
fileWriteQueue.async {
// File writing code...