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Kotlin Photo list sample with MVVM(Google Component Architecture), Rxjava, Dagger2, Navigation and Paging Infinite Scrolling

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Kotlin - MVVM - Rxjava - Dagger - Paging Infinite Scrolling

A Photo list sample that retrieves pictures from Pixabay site

  • The application supports both portrait and landscape mode 
  • The user is able to search for images entering a search term with at least 3  characters 
  • When the app starts it triggers a search for the string "flowers"
  • When an item in the result list gets clicked, a new detail screen will be opened

What is used in project?

  1. Kotlin
  2. Clean Architecture: An app using layered architecture based on Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob.
  3. Retrofit: To retrieve data from the network
  4. Architecture components and using MVVM: LiveData and ViewModel
  5. Paging library: Using PagedList to fetch more data from network.
  6. Navigation component: At last it's settled, single activity is what's Google recommend now. Navigation editor makes things easy for us to design navigation path of our app.
  7. Dagger 2: Using Dependency injection to manage the dependencies in an optimal way.
  8. Glide: To view images from the network

Library reference resources:

  1. Dagger2: GitHub - google/dagger: A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
  2. Retrofit: GitHub - square/retrofit: Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
  3. RxJava2: GitHub - ReactiveX/RxJava: RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
  4. Constraint-Layout: Build a Responsive UI with ConstraintLayout | Android Developers
  5. Glide: An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling


Kotlin Photo list sample with MVVM(Google Component Architecture), Rxjava, Dagger2, Navigation and Paging Infinite Scrolling






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