This is a primitive demonstration of an SQL injection with PostgreSQL.
To build the Docker image and setup the demo stand, in the root of the repository run:
docker build . -t sql-injection-demo
Alternatively, you can download a prebuilt image from the project's storage:
docker pull
Once done, launch the demo using:
docker run -it --rm sql-injection-demo
Finally, when given a prompt, provide your input.
Normal input: Danny
SQL injection: Danny' UNION SELECT * FROM people WHERE isadmin = 'true
If you want to play around with this demo within the provided Docker container, you can use the following command in the root of the repository:
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app_debug -w /app_debug sql-injection-demo /bin/sh -c "pg_ctl start && /bin/sh"
This way you can edit the
(or any other source file) right in your text editor of choice on your host machine, and then test it immediately in the Docker container with a manual launch of the python3