Pull requests:
- #20 Appium support (@schmurgon)
- #19 Upgrade javassist version to match transitive dep. #16 (@jeffjensen)
- #17 Updating core module for #16. (@jeffjensen)
- #14 Serenity BDD version of WebElementFacade classes/interfaces (@mikezx6r)
- #13 rename serenity_bdd to serenitybdd (@mikezx6r)
- #12 More package renaming (@mikezx6r)
- #11 Updated reporting, attempt 2 (@bmwsedee)
- #10 Updated the libraries used in the reporting (@bmwsedee)
- #9 This small change makes Serenity compatible with Firefox version 32 or g... (@marcin-caban)
- #8 Use gradle-git for version and tagging (@mikezx6r)
- #7 Gradle build cleanup (@mikezx6r)
- #6 [namespace] Move Find annotations to serenity_bdd namespace (@mikezx6r)
- #5 More migration to the Serenity namespace (@mikezx6r)
- #4 Rename main class to reflect new project name, and deprecate old (@mikezx6r)
- #3 Enable selection of Mac Os version on SauceLabs (@negruta)
- #2 Pti hamcrest 1 1 (@ptillemans)
003791a Extracted dependency injection into an external module, to make it easier to add additional dependency injection modules later (@wakaleo)
068315f Performance improvements: forces WebDriver to force an immediate response for findElements() calls if no matching elements are found, and some other minor improvements. (@wakaleo)
Also improved step logging to include the test class and method as well as the step name.
Signed-off-by: John Ferguson Smart <john.smart@wakaleo.com> -
08b5502 Fixed a bug in the reporting where duplicate story tags were displayed in the screenshot screens. (@wakaleo)
0902fc7 Use gradle-git for version and tagging (@mikezx6r)
=== If local repository is dirty
-Always builds a SNAPSHOT version.
-Will complain that 'Stage {} is not one of [SNAPSHOT] allowed for strategy snapshot.'
=== If local repository is not dirty
Set release type using property release.stage. Valid values are:
milestone creates a tag with the next version from tag + -milestone.#
rc similar, but uses rc. Cannot create a milestone after an rc
final creates a version with no endings
If want to use ssh authorization, must ensure ssh-agent contains correct key for repository being worked on.
If you experience issues, try ssh-add -D to clear identities and add the one identity for the repo in question.
The release tags the current commit, and pushes to the remote repository. It does not check if there's a new commit, so only use it if you really need to.
gradle bintrayUpload release -Prelease.stage={milestone|rc|final} -
099d118 core build: exclude transitive deps with convergence problems. #16 (@jeffjensen)
Declare additional transitive deps.
This reverts commit 44ec91e.
0aa2e31 Merged in Appium support and tweaked an internal class as a work-around for potential dependency issues related to commons-lang3 (@wakaleo)
0e9d614 Moved most uses of FileUtils to the Java 7 Files class, in order to remove sporadic issues when resizing screenshots (@wakaleo)
18d5f80 Improved requirement reporting for JUnit (experimental) (@wakaleo)
197fab5 Top build: declare transitives as deps. #16 (@jeffjensen)
199e60a Updated reporting, attempt 2 (@bmwsedee)
This reverts commit 7b26344.
22d5395 Top build: fail fast on dependency convergence problems. #16 (@jeffjensen)
Added "force version" on transitive versions with convergence
Issue: While this works to keep gradle build clean, it doesn't
affect the generated POM/install for clients. -
25e0cd1 Updated release notes
2648daa refactor: Create serenitybdd version of WebElementFacade classes/interfaces (@mikezx6r)
Deprecate Thucydides versions, but still handle them correctly
2aa92f9 SerenityRunner and SerenityParameterizedRunner now contain functionality, and Thucydides equivalents merely extend (@mikezx6r)
Also move a number of helper classes into serenity_bdd package
2bde33a refactor: Move tests from thucydides to serenitybdd package (@mikezx6r)
2f58c3b Fixed some formatting and navigation issues in the reports (@wakaleo)
3049d14 Initial move over to Serenity from Thucydides (@wakaleo)
308ec8f Updated the changelog to reflect the serenity-core repo. For Bintray this is a bit of a hack, since the BinTray serenity-core package gets artifacts from two repos, serenity-core and serenity-maven-plugin, which are separate only because of the fact that core needs to be built and deployed before the maven plugin generation task in the serenity-maven-plugin build can be done. So the changelogs will be up-to-date on Github for both repos, but the one on bintray will only reflect core. (@wakaleo)
3144ad1 Upgrade groovy-all version for transitive convergence #16. (@jeffjensen)
3443435 Move junit finder classes to serenity_bdd package (@mikezx6r)
3705ee4 [rename] Create Serenity namespaced class, deprecate Thucydides version and delegate functions (@mikezx6r)
392bc01 Upgrade SLF4J version for transitive convergence #16. (@jeffjensen)
3a71aae refactor: PageObject still returns thucydides WebElementFacadeImpl so that can be cast to serenitybdd namespace (@mikezx6r)
This will need to be cleaned up when the thucydides namespace is retired.
3ee866c Remove unused files (@mikezx6r)
It would appear that the main project was moved into core sub-directory, and
these files didn't get cleaned up. -
40db746 Enable selection of Mac Os version on SauceLabs
4138f89 Check if a resized file for a given screenshot already exists, and if so don't perform the resizing (@wakaleo)
4494dee If javadoc is not told to expect UTF-8 in the strings it uses can generate ASCII errors on at least the Mac. (@ptillemans)
4a119f5 Added a selector to find buttons by their label, e.g. find(By.buttonText('Add to cart')); (@wakaleo)
4c953d8 Moved the serenity-maven-plugin to a separate project (@wakaleo)
50c45e3 Adding an automatically generated change log to the build (@wakaleo)
52f0eea Missed change to PathProcessor (@schmurgon)
581dd47 Rename main class to reflect new project name, and deprecate old (@mikezx6r)
Eventually, all Thucydides references will be removed.
5caf4a2 Changed group to serenity-bdd to make syncing with Maven Central easier (@wakaleo)
5d3f58a Changed group to serenity-bdd to make syncing with Maven Central easier (@wakaleo)
5ea5b71 Changed the 'checkOutcomes' task to force it to run the tests first. (@wakaleo)
5ea5e89 Updated release notes
602eaf8 Added tool tips on the 'Related Tags' tables (@wakaleo)
61cc4d8 Display error messages for ignored steps, so that failing assumption messages are correctly displayed (@wakaleo)
6376d99 This small change makes Serenity compatible with Firefox version 32 or greater (@marcin-caban)
Guava 18.0 is already specified in Gradle.
66556bb Fixed a bug where error messages were incorrectly displayed in the step details (@wakaleo)
6780200 Added the Serenity helper class, as a replacement for the legacy 'Thucydides' class (@wakaleo)
6925274 Support for appium annotations, added accessibility and ui automation for IOS and android (@schmurgon)
6d0f8ee jbehave was pulling in hamcrest 1.1. Excluded hamcrest from the jbehave dependency. (@ptillemans)
6d63276 Correct issue with publishing (@mikezx6r)
Main project doesn't have anything to deploy, and doesn't have config. This
causes a warning when building the project.
Provide the config that is common across all projects in this config file,
but no config for the main project is required. -
6ee7578 Added better support for comments in feature files, and better formatting in the 'Related Tabs' table (@wakaleo)
6f12e53 Refactoring to facilitate easier migrating to new versions of the libraries (@bmwsedee)
70325bb Upgrade commons-lang3 to htmlunit's dep version. #16 (@jeffjensen)
HtmlUnit uses 3.3.2, Serenity was using 3.1.
71d6c5a Updated the README file to reflect the new commit conventions (@wakaleo)
7a267aa Build: Add plugins that help with dep versions. #16 (@jeffjensen)
- project-report:
- gradlew htmlDependencyReport creates HTML dep report that shows
which deps the build managed to different version. - com.github.ben-manes.versions:
- gradlew dependencyUpdates shows deps with new versions
7c429c0 Migrated the default output directory to target/site/serenity (@wakaleo)
7cbe551 The @Pages annotated field in JUnit tests is now optional (@wakaleo)
805dbf1 Logs a message indicating the path of the generated reports after report aggregation. (@wakaleo)
80ee2cf chore: Automated the generation of the release notes from the git commits (@wakaleo)
8208430 Updated release notes
82b9866 Migrated the default output directory to target/site/serenity (@wakaleo)
8344474 Added support for the AssumeThat method for JUnit tests - AssumeThat will result in a test being displayed as 'ignored' in the reports. (@wakaleo)
878c2a1 Added better support for radio buttons in the PageObject class (@wakaleo)
892b4fe Improved reporting of JUnit tests as requirements (@wakaleo)
89f6ca5 Provide better support for step-level error reporting in Cucumber. (@wakaleo)
8ba6aeb Honor both 'thucydides.properties' and 'serenity.properties' files for local project configuration (@wakaleo)
8bdaf7d [rename] Move SerenityListeners and create deprecated ThucydidesListeners (@mikezx6r)
8d8b0bf You can now use serenity.* instead of thucydides.* system properties. The thucydides.* system properties are still supported, but a warning is printed to the logs. (@wakaleo)
8fee3ad Chrome no longer opens a new window when you specify the browser size. (@wakaleo)
Also, the browser is now automatically positioned in the top left hand corner of the screen.
Signed-off-by: John Ferguson Smart <john.smart@wakaleo.com> -
911799b Fixed issues with identifying appium driver (@schmurgon)
948caa8 Updated release notes
97156bd Added support for better Cucumber reporting (@wakaleo)
9716bc5 Make sure the release notes are produced dynamically (@wakaleo)
9784811 Migrated the PageObject class to the serenitybdd namespace. (@wakaleo)
Signed-off-by: John Ferguson Smart <john.smart@wakaleo.com>
98073bd Added SerenityRunner and SerenityParameterizedRunner classes as alternative names for ThucydidesRunner and ThucydidesParameterizedRunner, more in line with the new naming schema. (@wakaleo)
9e47250 Improved release notes to avoid empty tags (@wakaleo)
9e9711d Added extra support for handling Cucumber example tables (@wakaleo)
a05b31f Undid javascript library updates and added the number of tests for tags on the reports (@wakaleo)
a2d3a0f Refactored optional Spring dependencies into the serenity-spring module - include this module if you want Serenity to honor Spring annotations and dependency injection (@wakaleo)
afaf0b9 Fix to remove 'Session ID is null. Using WebDriver after calling quit()?' messages appearing when the tests are run in threads (@wakaleo)
b52b55a Now you can use the -Dserenity.dry.run=true option to skip step executions - useful when testing JBehave or Cucumber step definitions (@wakaleo)
b5732dc Let the bintray keys be defined by the build server (@wakaleo)
b94933d Move JUnit runners to serenity_bdd package (@mikezx6r)
c0a1aa0 Moved the ant plugin over to the new Serenity namespace (@wakaleo)
c9f9505 Upgrade javassist version to match transitive dep. #16 (@jeffjensen)
ceb0c1d Upgrade htmlunit to Selenium's dep version. #16 (@jeffjensen)
d5511b6 Cater for rare cases where the driver returns null when an element is not found (@wakaleo)
d5f35b9 Switched back to JUnit 4.11 due to API incompatibilities with build tools (@wakaleo)
d84aeed [rename] Create Serenity namespaced class and move some associated test classes (@mikezx6r)
d9a768a Release notes are now triggered manually before the release (@wakaleo)
e1956cf Enable selection of Mac Os version on SauceLabs
e5a13c7 SmartAnnotation needs platform for Appium annotations to work (@schmurgon)
e84ac40 Porting changes from thucydides appium-driver-support (@schmurgon)
eb4608f Removed some code that used the JDK 8 libraries (@wakaleo)
ed62753 [namespace] Move Find annotations to serenity_bdd namespace (@mikezx6r)
f2322d4 Minor fix to work around an incompatiblity with IBM JDB 1.7 (@wakaleo)
f4ccaf8 Fixed a bug that prevented the proper use of commands like 'webdriver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1600, 1200));' (@wakaleo)
f9d9969 Made the log messages for each step include the calling class and method. (@wakaleo)
fe1ab3e Added a page to the reports containing system and configuration properties and browser capabilities for a given test run. (@wakaleo)
fe1c3c5 Added the Serenity utility class, which exposes and delegates to methods of the legacy Thucydides class. (@wakaleo)