Collections is a Go package that provides an extensive collection of utility functions and a thread-safe map for working with collections. It includes a variety of functions such as filtering, mapping, sorting, and merging, as well as methods for accessing and modifying a map concurrently. Install the package with a simple go get
command and import it into your project. Get started with the list of functions provided and streamline your collection-based workloads today!
To install this package, run the following command:
go get
import ""
Documentation is hosted at
package main
import (
type User struct {
id uint
name string
func (u User) ID() uint {
func (u User) Name() string {
func main() {
var users = []User{{0, "Rob"}, {1, "Ken"}}
var names = collection.TransformBy(users, User.Name)
// Output: [Rob Ken]
var usersByID = collection.SliceToMap(users, User.ID)
// Output: map[0:{0 Rob} 1:{1 Ken}]
package main
import (
type Worker interface {
Done() <-chan struct{}
func NewWorker() Worker {
return &worker{
done: make(chan struct{}),
type worker struct {
done chan struct{}
func (w *worker) Done() <-chan struct{} {
return w.done
func (w *worker) Run(ctx context.Context) {
defer close(w.done)
func main() {
var ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
defer cancel()
var worker1 = NewWorker()
go worker1.Run(ctx)
var worker2 = NewWorker()
go worker2.Run(ctx)
var allWorkersDone = collection.ChannelsMerge(worker1.Done(), worker2.Done())
fmt.Println("all workers finished")
This package provides several functions for working with collections:
Aggregate[T, K any](source []T, aggregator func(K, T) K) K
All[T any](source []T, predicate func(T) bool) bool
Any[T any](source []T, predicate func(T) bool) bool
AsyncTransformBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) K) []K
AsyncTryTransformBy[T, K any](parent context.Context, source []T, transform func(context.Context, T) (K, error)) ([]K, error)
ChannelsMerge[T any](args ...<-chan T) <-chan T
ChannelsReadonly[T any](args ...chan T) []<-chan T
ChunkBy[T any](source []T, size int) [][]T
Contains[T comparable](source []T, item T) bool
Copy[T any](source []T) []T
Difference[T comparable](a []T, b []T) []T
Distinct[T comparable](source []T) []T
DistinctBy[T any](source []T, equals func(left T, right T) bool) []T
Duplicates[T comparable](source []T) []T
Each[T any](source []T, do func(T))
Equal[T ~[]E, E comparable](s1, s2 T) bool
FilterBy[T any](source []T, filter Filter[T]) []T
Filter[T any] func(T) bool
Flatten[T any](source [][]T) []T
GroupBy[T any, K comparable](source []T, keyFunc func(T) K) map[K][]T
InFilter[T comparable](source []T, present bool) Filter[T]
Intersection[T comparable](a []T, b []T) []T
MapContains[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T, item K) bool
MapEach[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T, do func(key K, value T))
MapEqual[M1, M2 ~map[K]V, K, V comparable](m1 M1, m2 M2) bool
MapFilterBy[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T, filter func(key K, value T) bool) map[K]T
MapKeys[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T) []K
MapToSlice[K comparable, T1 any, T2 any](source map[K]T1, transform func(key K, value T1) T2) []T2
MapTransformBy[K comparable, T1, T2 any](source map[K]T1, transform func(T1) T2) map[K]T2
MapValues[K comparable, T any](source map[K]T) []T
MaxOf[T constraints.Ordered](elements ...T) T
Max[T constraints.Ordered](l T, r T) T
ChannelsMerge[T any](args ...<-chan T) <-chan T
ChannelsReadonly[T any](args ...chan T) []<-chan T
MinOf[T constraints.Ordered](elements ...T) T
Min[T constraints.Ordered](l T, r T) T
Reverse[T any](source []T)
SliceToMap[K comparable, T any](source []T, keyFunc func(T) K) map[K]T
SortBy[T any](source []T, less func(l T, r T) bool)
Sort[T constraints.Ordered](source []T)
TransformBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) K) []K
TransformManyBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) []K) []K
TryTransformBy[T, K any](source []T, transform func(T) (K, error)) ([]K, error)
TryMapTransformBy[K comparable, T1, T2 any](source map[K]T1, transform func(T1) (T2, error)) (map[K]T2, error)
The SyncMap
type is a thread-safe map that can be accessed concurrently. It provides the following methods:
CompareAndDelete(key K, old V) (deleted bool)
CompareAndSwap(key K, old V, new V) bool
Delete(key K)
Load(key K) (value V, ok bool)
LoadAndDelete(key K) (value V, loaded bool)
LoadOrStore(key K, value V) (actual V, loaded bool)
Range(f func(key K, value V) bool)
Store(key K, value V)
Swap(key K, value V) (previous V, loaded bool)