Image library for an interview I had with Apple. It is written in C++ and implements all the methods and algorithms without using libraries. The only exception is OpenCV, which is used for loading the input images and showing the outputs.
Creation and destroy of an image
Read an image from disk using OpenCV and convert OpenCV's image data to your format.
Shallow and deep clone of an image
Access to image elements and different properties of the image (grayscale or RGB, height, width)
Convert a RGB image to a grayscale image
Compute a histogram of an image
Resize an image
Perform correlation and convolution of an image with a kernel
Perform edge detection on an image.
- OpenCV 4.3.0
- CMake 3.17
$ mkdir build && cd build
(./build) $ cmake ..
(./build) $ cmake --build .
(./build) $ ./Tests