The DivSeek Canada Portal is a web-based platform to implement association genetics workflows supporting plant breeding and crop research focusing on large scale plant genetic resources / crop genotype-phenotype data sets whose access is brokered / managed by the project.
The first iteration of the platform is funded under a Genome Canada Project with co-funding from other partners.
Additional technical notes about the portal system may (soon) be found on the Divseek Portal Wiki, in addition to the details noted in this README.
The DivSeek Canada Portal is being designed to run within a Docker Compose deployed system of Docker containers when the application is run on a Linux server or virtual machine. Thus, some system preparation to run Docker (and Compose) is required.
When hosting Docker and the DivSeek Canada Portal in a cloud environment, such as the OpenStack cloud at Compute Canada, some special configuration is likely needed.
We start by creating a persistent p4-6gb (4 core, 6 GB RAM) flavour of compute instance. The security group should open up the TCP/IP ports exposed by the various docker instances, as specified in the project's docker-compose.yml file.
NOTE: It is important to ensure that the "root" partition gets a sufficiently large disk volume size - typically, at least 20 gigabytes - generally larger than the default image size - which is sometimes as small as 2 gigabytes. This root volume size must be explicitly set during cloud instance launch since it is not generally changeable after the instance has been launched.
By default, the Docker image/volume cache (and other metadata) resides under /var/lib/docker which will end up being hosted on the root volume of a cloud image, which may be relatively modest in size. To avoid "out of file storage" messages, which related to limits in inode and actual byte storage, it is advised that you remap (and copy the default contents of) the /var/lib/docker directory onto an extra mounted storage volume (which should be configured to be automounted by fstab configuration).
In effect, it is generally useful to host the entire portal and its associated docker storage volumes on such an extra mounted volume. We generally use the /opt subdirectory as the target of the mount, then directly install various code and related subdirectories there, including the physical target of a symbolic link to the /var/lib/docker subdirectory. You will generally wish to set this latter symbolic link first before installing Docker itself (here we assume that docker has not yet been installed (let alone running).
In Compute Canada, using the OpenStack dashboard, a cloud "Volume" can be created and attached to a running DivSeek Canada Portal cloud server instance. We suggest creating a volume at least 200 GB in size (to allow for significant genomic data storage). After attaching the volume to the instance, the volume is initialized and mounted from within an SSH terminal session, as follows (where '$' is the Linux Bash CLI terminal prompt):
# Before starting, make sure that the new volume (here, 'vdb') is visible (should be!)
vda 254:0 0 2.2G 0 disk
ββvda1 254:1 0 2.1G 0 part /
ββvda14 254:14 0 4M 0 part
ββvda15 254:15 0 106M 0 part /boot/efi
vdb 254:16 0 200G 0 disk
# First, initialize the filing system on the new, empty, raw volume (assumed here to be on /dev/vdb)
sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdb
# Mount the new volume in its place (we assume that the folder '/opt' already exists)
sudo mount /dev/vdb /opt
# Provide a symbolic link to the future home of the docker storage subdirectories
sudo mkdir /opt/docker
sudo chmod go-r /opt/docker
# It is assumed that /var/lib/docker doesn't already exist.
# Otherwise, you'll need to delete it first, then create the symlink
sudo ln -s /opt/docker /var/lib
It is also recommended that a separate additional volume for each crop dataset deployed be created, following the above instructions. A 500 GB volume is likely to be needed for this given the genomic large data sets involved. Also, you can attach volumes containing the raw input data (e.g. VCF files) as you need (Note: you should obviously not run the mkfs
command afresh on any volumes which already have data!) It is recommended first that you create a subdirectory /opt/divseekcanada
then mount these additional volumes in that subdirectory, namely something like the following:
# Create a master folder for the DivSeek Canada code
sudo mkdir -p /opt/divseekcanada
# ensuring easy $USER access to these resources
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /opt/divseekcanada
# Add the data volumes
sudo mkdir -p /opt/divseekcanada/data/downy-mildew
sudo mount /dev/vdc /opt/divseekcanada/data/downy-mildew
sudo mkdir -p /opt/divseekcanada/Sunflower
sudo mount /dev/vdd /opt/divseekcanada/Sunflower
After completing the above steps, you should configure /etc/fstab
file for system boot up mounting of the new volumes:
# These volumes need to be auto mounted upon each reboot of the system
# so you should (carefully) add them to the Linux /etc/fstab file
# of the server, something like the following text entries (customize for your crop):
/dev/vdb /opt ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
/dev/vdc /opt/divseekcanada/data/downy-mildew ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
/dev/vdd /opt/divseekcanada/Sunflower ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
# test the fstab mount with a 'fake' mounting
sudo mount -vf
Now, you can proceed to install Docker and Docker Compose.
To run Docker, you'll obviously need to install Docker first in your target Linux operating environment (bare metal server or virtual machine running Linux).
For our installations, we typically use Ubuntu Linux, for which there is an Ubuntu-specific docker installation using the repository. Note that you should have 'curl' installed first before installing Docker:
sudo apt install curl
For other installations, please find instructions specific to your choice of Linux variant, on the Docker site.
In order to ensure that Docker is working correctly, run the following command:
sudo docker run hello-world
This should result in something akin to the following output:
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
ca4f61b1923c: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:be0cd392e45be79ffeffa6b05338b98ebb16c87b255f48e297ec7f98e123905c
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
to your terminal.
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
docker run -it ubuntu bash
Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
For more examples and ideas, visit:
You will then also need to install Docker Compose alongside Docker on your target Linux operating environment.
Note that under Ubuntu, you likely need to do a bit more preparation to avoid having to run docker (and docker-compose) as 'sudo'. See here for details on how to fix this.
In order to ensure Docker Compose is working correctly, issue the following command:
docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.22.0, build f46880f
Note that your particular version and build number may be different than what is shown here. We don't currently expect that docker-compose version differences should have a significant impact on the build, but if in doubt, refer to the release notes of the docker-compose site for advice.
During the creation of the ElasticSearch indexing container in the Docker Tripal system, one may run up against another resource limit, reported by the following error message:
max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
This solution to this is to add this line:
in your /etc/sysctl.conf file on the host system and run
sudo sysctl -p
to reload configuration with new value.
This project resides in this Github project repository.
First, ensure that you have the git client installed (here again, we assume Ubuntu; '$' is the bash CLI prompt):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
Next, you should configure git with your Git repository metadata and, perhaps, activate credential management (we use 'cache' mode here to avoid storing credentials in plain text on disk)
git config --global "your-git-account"
git config --global "your-email"
git config --global credential.helper cache
Then, you can clone the project. A convenient location for the code is in a folder under /opt/divseekcanada:
cd /opt/divseekcanada
git clone
As of March 2019, the DivSeek Canada Portal customizes a git fork of the
Galaxy Genome Annotation "Dockerized GMOD" code base.
The core of the customization is in the Docker Compose build file (docker-compose.yml) on the
divseek-canada-build branch. Prior to running the build, however, some configuration tasks need to be completed.
The docker-compose.yml is parameterized for (crop) site specific site deployment using environment variables defined in a .env file, derived from the available template.env file, which needs to be copied into .env then customized to point to your actual public host particulars. For example, you can change the admin account particulars, i.e.
[email protected]
or perhaps, the site crop, title, hostname, http protocol and Tripal path:
DC_SITE_NAME="DivSeek Canada"
The general project launch steps noted in the
original GMOD deployment project README
are otherwise followed, albeit with the divseek-canada-build customized docker-compose.yml file. To start off
which, we can pre-load our Docker system with the required pre-built images, as follows:
docker-compose pull # Pulls in the required service Docker images
The original dockerized-gmod-deployment includes a 'proxy' service that runs the NGINX web server software in a container. To configure this package, the project specifies an NGINX configuration under a subfolder nginx. Unfortunately, most realistic site deployments (e.g. with https:// SSL configuration, particular hostnames, etc.) generally necessitates the creation of a customized NGINX file which, although taking the docker compose system into account, needs to also include additional elements, the composition of which this project cannot foresee and hard code (nor parameterize directly, since NGINX doesn't allow for that). The compromise we've taken here, in the divseek-canada-build branch, is to convert the default NGINX into a template, then provide some suggestions here on how to customize and properly deploy your copy of the template for use in the system. The following protocol is simply one that worked for us; those of you with deeper knowledge can likely converge on your own solution to the NGINX configuration.
In the divseek-canada-portal (a.k.a. dockerized-gmod-deployment) project, go into the nginx project subfolder and copy over the nginx/default.conf-template into nginx/default.conf.
Editing the nginx/default.conf file, rename the name my-divseek-portal-server of the server_name parameter and everywhere else that it is found inside the server block, to the DC_SITE_BASE_HOSTNAME hostname which you set in your .env file (e.g. You should make sure that your DNS is properly set up to point to your cloud server IP address (usually with an A record) before proceeding to the next (certbot) step of the configuration. You may need to wait a short while for your DNS entry to propagate through the internet before attempting to run the configuration.
Configure https:// SSL certificate configuration. Using the certbot tool of the free certificate LetsEncrypt initiative is a nice way forward here, but you need to be a bit clever to achieve this since certbot generally requires that you specify the web server and operating system you are using so it can make reasonable assumptions about where things should go. This task is facilitated somewhat by using a Docker image for Certbox plus available instructions on how to set things up by a clever developer named 'Philipp'. We've partly applied the required certbot customizations to the docker-compose.yml file, but you'll need to apply the NGINX configuration edits and run the indicated procedure for the initial generation of SSL certificates for insertion into the configuration. For convenience, Philipp's
has been customized (to read the host name set in your .env file) and embedded in our project. If you have set your .env file correctly, then You may therefore run it as follows:
sudo ./
- You should now go back into the nginx/default.conf file and uncomment the directive include ./services.conf to enable inclusion of the full set of NGINX service proxy redirections.
Now we are set to build the system and fire it up.
It is recommended to first start the databases (first making sure that you are in the root project directory for the code):
cd /opt/divseekcanada/divseek-canada-portal
docker-compose up -d apollo_db chado # Launches the database containers
In a new terminal, in the same folder, you can run docker-compose logs -f
in order to follow the build process and decypher errors.
# Wait for tripal to come up and install Chado.
docker-compose up -d --build tripal
# It takes a few minutes until you see an apache start-up notification.
# Then, run a non-specific compose build to bring up the rest of the services.
docker-compose up -d
Copied over from the original GGA repository...some details may differ from the divseek-canada-build docker-compose.yml file/
The docker-compose.yml file specifies all of the infrastructure needed to run the current iteration of GMOD products.
We have attempted to include as many "bells and whistles" as possible, which means this approaches the level of "tech-demo" and away from something you might wish to deploy as-is. That said, the deployment is very easy to customise and adapt to your particular organisation's needs.
Galaxy ...
... allows you to load data in Apollo,
which in turn can be exported to Chado and Tripal.
But wait, there's more! Data in Chado is made available in JBrowse
$ docker-compose pull # Pull all images
$ docker-compose up -d apollo_db tripal_db # Launch the DBs
In a new terminal, in the same folder, run docker-compose logs -f
in order to
watch what is going on.
$ docker-compose up -d tripal # Wait for tripal to come up and install Chado.
$ # It takes a few minutes. I believe you'll see an apache error when ready.
$ docker-compose up -d # This will bring up the rest of the services.
Service | Address |
Galaxy | :8200 |
Tripal (/tripal) | :8200/tripal |
Apollo (through Galaxy, /apollo) | :8200/apollo |
Chado JBrowse Connector | :8200/jbrowse/ |
PostgREST | :8200/postgrest |
PostGraphQL GraphiQL interface | :8200/graphiql |
PgAdmin4 | :8201/ |
Chado PostGraphQL Connector | :8200/jbrowse_graphql/ |
Service | Username | Password |
Galaxy | [email protected] | admin |
Tripal | admin | changeme |
Apollo | [email protected] | password |
The Apollo account is only used internally by the Galaxy tools. You should be automatically logged in with your Galaxy account when connecting to Apollo (thanks to gx-cookie-proxy).
This docker-compose.yml
depends on a large number of containers. We link some
build status images here for developer convenience
Image | Status |
galaxy | |
postgrest | |
postgraphql | |
chado-jb-connector | |
chado | |
tripal | |
gx-cookie-proxy |
Each Docker image can be configured to fit your needs. You should consult the documentation of each image, in particular:
Galaxy Docker image documentation
Tripal Docker image documentation
Chado Docker image documentation
Apollo Docker image documentation
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (Award 1565146)