Docker is a popular software packaging, distribution and execution infrastructure using containers (Overview):
Docker runs on Linux only (LXC). MacOS and Windows have developed adapter technologies.
Windows uses an internal Linux VM to run the Docker engine (or the Docker daemon process: dockerd ).
Client tools (CLI, GUI, e.g. Docker Desktop) are used to create, manage and execute containers.
First introduction (2013): Salomon Hykes at PyCon 2013, Santa Clara CA: "The Future of Linux Containers" (video, 5:21min).
Docker builds on Linux technologies:
Stackable layers of filesystem images that each contain only the changes to an underlying image.
Tools to build, manage and distribute images ("ship container" metaphore).
Linux LXC or similar technology is used to "run containers" as groups of isolated processes on a Linux system.
Docker is used to:
Aquire, deploy and use software (e.g. MySQL database) without installation on the host system.
Package own software and "ship-as-a-container" rather than in proprietary formats that require installation in the target environment.
Packaging and distributing software as a container becomes part of the software build process.
Docker core concepts:
Image - compound of stacked images (image layers) starting with a base image that yields a final filesystem impression that is visible inside a container.
- Each image layer can be created and distributed independently.
- Each image is built by a Dockerfile.
Registry - local or global repository to share images, e.g. Docker Hub.
Container - Information (state) comprised of:
- Id, name,
- Reference to an image (top of image stack),
- Entry point, arguments, environment variables,
- Ports, mounted volumes, etc.
Running Container instance - Process group executing on the state of a Container. Process groups of one container are fully isolated from state of other containers and the state of the host system.
Orchestration of Container instances (docker-compose) - from sets of containers, e.g. a database container and an application container. Combine configuration and life cycle control in a single
Basic docker commands:
Image lifecycle commands (lifecycle: states over creation, existence, removal):
docker build | rmi
(rmi: remove image),docker pull | push
from/to a registry.
Container lifecycle commands:
docker run | start | stop | rm
(rm: remove container).docker exec
- attach processes to container.
Inspection commands:
- show images:
docker images
, - show containers:
docker ps -a
(existing and running containers-a
), - show output:
docker logs
- show images:
Docker Overview:
Stackable images:
For further reference, find information at links:
- Getting Docker (installation), here.
- Docker Reference, here.
- Docker Commands, here, cheatsheet
- Dockerfile cheatsheet.
- Docker Hub, link.
- Orchestration (docker-compose)
- Compose Reference, here,
- docker-compose cheatsheet.
- Docker Meetup Berlin, past events, upcoming.
- DockerCon'22, May 9-10, 2022, link, YouTube.
- Salomon Hykes at PyCon 2013, Santa Clara CA: "The Future of Linux Containers" (video, 5:21min).