- clone this repo to a folder on your system
- run the install.sh script in the root of the repository
- clone this repo to a folder on your system
- run the uninstall.sh script in the root of the repository
- clone this repo to a folder on your system
- run the uninstall_purge.sh script in the root of the repository
Follow the steps as in the linux sections above, but use the scripts postfixed with -mac
Note this has only been tested on intel macs (as I don't have an arm based unit to try it on)
To make a new playbook pack run the command ' playbook_pack_init ' or ' playbook-pack-init '
this will make a new playbook pack in the current directory
To make just a playbook (which you can later copy to a pack)
run the command ' playbook_init ' or ' playbook-init '
The command ' playbook_pack_update ' or ' playbook-pack-update '
will update a playbook pack in the current directory, to the currently system installed script versions
note the ".pb.sh" files in each playbook folder will not be updated by this command,
if you want to update those then run the command ' playbook_update ' or ' playbook-update ',
in each playbook folder of the pack
The following apps need to be installed for the tool kit to fully function
- dialog
- ansible-vault
- ansible-galaxy
- ansible-playbook
- rpl
- cat