This repository is created to focus on code optimization. Today in the world of programming, where everywhere - everything is getting coded. It is very important to write optimized code. We need to focus on various complexities involved in the code.
I will update the file soon. Till then you can work on the issues if you wishes to.
* Technique_Name (Save file by the name of the technique)
- Technique Name
- How to apply
- Time / Space complexity
- Acknowledgement - References
This folder contains all the available links of research paper for a particular optimization algorithm.
- Consider one Optimization Technique and include as many research paper links as you can find and include them year wise.
- If you are working for Swarm Optimization Technique, open 2019, write its name and link and do the same for other years as well.
- If in case you do not find any links, still write the name of the technique and mention NONE under it.
- This will make it easy to access for everyone.
- The sequence would thus be maintained for it.
This folder contains the use cases / algorithms for the code optimization.
- Usecases
- Collection 1(Searching)
- Algorithm_name (Binary Search)
- Optimized Code
- Pseudo Code
- List of Techniques known / compared
Please see an example of how factorial of a number have been created
First raise an issue or tell in which issue you wish to work on.
After the issue is assigned to you, start working on it.
Fork / clone the repository.
Star the repository for easy access.
Add additional content to the forked repo.
Raise a PR.
If there's no conflict and if the content meets the requirement criteria and in the right format with proper acknowledgment,
Say Hurrah!
Coz your PR will be accepted.
- Want to add new content to the repository
- Wish to change the currently available optimized algo with better optimization.
- Wish to write documentation (No copying from any source) (Don't forget to refer the source)