- php-fpm 8.1
- nginx the latest version
- mysql 8.0
- phpmyadmin the latest version
And after installation you will also have:
composer 2.5
symfony cli 5.4
Use this repository to start your development. Just do the following steps in order.
Clone the repository . you can change directory's name of the project as yours with this command:
- git clone https://github.com/shaho1090/docker-symfonycli.git ./my_project_name
Then change directory:
- cd my_project_name
Make copy of the .env.example file with name .env :
- copy .env.example .env
Make app directory
- mkdir app
- docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yaml up --build -d
Run the docker desktop on your os, find the project container and open the app service, open its command-line, then install your new symfony project:
- symfony new . --version=5.4 --no-git
Wait for installation to complete, then:
Do not forget to change git origin to point your project's repository in the root directory:
- git remote rm origin - git remote add origin <your repository url> - git push -u origin main
Also consider the ports in the dev environment:
app: localhost:8100 mysql: 4800 phpmyadmin: localhost:8088
Make a great stuff!