Clamp is a library with the single purpse of providing clamp()
and clamped()
functions to Swift's built-in integer and floating point types. The clamp()
and clamped()
functions limit a value to the inclusive range of the passed-in minimum and maximum values.
// immutable version
5.clamped(lowerBound: 1, upperBound: 10) // returns 5
0.clamped(lowerBound: 1, upperBound: 10) // returns 1
11.clamped(lowerBound: 1, upperBound: 10) // returns 10
5.clamped(to: 1...10) // returns 5
0.clamped(to: 1...10) // returns 1
11.clamped(to: 1...10) // returns 10
// mutable version
var number = 5
number.clamp(to: 1...10) // no change
number.clamp(to: 1...4) // `number` is changed to 4
number.clamp(to: 10...20) // `number` is changed to 10
To use Clamp with the Swift Package Manager, add a dependency to your Package.swift file:
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(name: "Clamp", url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0"))
The license for Clamp
is the standard MIT license. You can find it in the LICENSE