A package that generates step definitions in javascript based on cucumber feature files
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-cucumber-step-definitions
yarn global add yo
yarn global add generator-cucumber-step-definitions
Then select Cucumber Step Definitions
Select path to the feature-file (without file extension). Next, select the location you want the step definitions file to be generated.
Feature: title
Scenario: title
Given precondition with "1" and "2"
When action
And addition
Then testable outcome equals "1"
If you have same feature with parameters, you'll recieve:
const {defineSupportCode} = require('cucumber');
defineSupportCode(function ({Given, When, Then}) {
Given(/^precondition with "(.*)" and "(.*)"$/, function (param1, param2) {
return true;
When(/^action$/, function () {
return true;
And(/^addition$/, function () {
return true;
Then(/^testable outcome equals "(.*)"$/, function (param1) {
return true;