- download and import VirtualBox Appliance (http://candela-it.com/hirc.ova)
- ubuntu 14.04 with postgresql9.3 and postgis2.1
- username:password
- forwarded ports
- personalize virtual machine environment, basically just copy your GitHub registered SSH key and git config file
scp -P 2323 .ssh/id_rsa.pub cit@localhost:.ssh/id_rsa.pub
scp -P 2323 .ssh/id_rsa cit@localhost:.ssh/id_rsa
scp -P 2323 .gitconfig cit@localhost:.gitconfig
- in
directory add your project fork remote:git remote add origin [email protected]:your-git-username/hirc.git
- upstream repository is blessed (read-only) so you must add your (writable) origin remote
- fork blessed repository
- in forked repository work in local branches, keep your master clean, so you can sync it later with blessed repository:
git checkout -b mybranch
- push your local branch changes:
git push origin mybranch:mybranch
- create a pull request against the blessed repo
- same principles can be applied when working with other developers repositories:
git remote add other_developer [email protected]:other_developer/hirc.git
git fetch other_developer
git checkout other_developer/his_branch
- ...
mkdir /tmp/hirc_dev
sshfs -p 2323 cit@localhost:hirc /tmp/hirc_dev/
- open
in your favourite code editor
- initialize Python virtual environment:
source ~/hirc_env/bin/activate
- change directory
cd hirc
and run devserver:hizashi.py devserver
- hizashi is a tiny wrapper around django https://github.com/dodobas/hizashi-utils
- standard:
python manage.py runserver
also works
- open
in your favourite web browser
- for better or worse we'll base it on: http://inasafe.org/en/developer-docs/coding_standards.html
- database migrations are somewhat fiddly in the beginning
python manage.py migrate questions 0001
python manage.py migrate imagery_requests 0001
python manage.py migrate imagery_requests 0002
python manage.py migrate questions 0002
python manage.py migrate imagery_requests 0003
- install python-social-auth:
pip install python-social-auth
- sync python-social-auth models:
python manage.py syncdb
- drop auth_user table:
psql -c 'DROP TABLE auth_user cascade;' hirc_dev
- install django-reversion:
pip install django-reversion
- migrate:
python manage.py migrate reversion
python manage.py migrate imagery_requests 0004
python manage.py migrate questions 0003