A script that parses a metroid nes rom file to extract information. Possible use would be pure academic interest or to use the data to render the maps at some later stage.
Early work-in-progress.
It only prints various parts of extracted data about the map, rooms, structures and such.
- Understand how rooms and screens are related
- Understand how rooms and screens and tiles are related
- Write more proper business objects
These are the best sources I have found to understand the structure of the metroid rom. Still missing some info about how tiles/chr are loaded...
- https://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Metroid:ROM_map
- https://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Metroid:Item_data_format
- http://wiki.metroidconstruction.com/doku.php?id=metroid:editroid:crash_course
- https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/Programming_guide
- http://www.nesmaps.com/maps/Metroid/MetroidCompleateMap.png
- http://wiki.metroidconstruction.com/doku.php?id=metroid:disassembly&s[]=brinstar&s[]=disassembly#files
- http://wiki.metroidconstruction.com/doku.php?id=metroid:disassembly:brinstar_page
- http://wiki.metroidconstruction.com/doku.php?id=metroid:disassembly:graphics_page