This is my personal repo just for fun which for spinning up golang REST API quicker and to learn about golang and HTMX.
It runs by fiber with pre-defined CRUD examples which follows the Controller-Service-Repository pattern like Spring boot or Laravel's architecture.
- With implementations of
. Just raw sql without ORM.- Swtich between different DBs driver by changing the
in config.
- Swtich between different DBs driver by changing the
- With example of pre-defined modules in
. They come with CRUD APIs and support Filtering, Sorting, Pagination etc. HTMX
web templates withtailwind
.- With a script
for generate new module ininternal/modules/
. - JWT auth, login sample by curl.
- Can generate swagger doc by
. - Make use of
for loading env variables in config. - With a logging wrapper by
which uses as middleware for writing the request's logs inlog/
, the log file maybe used for centralised log server like ELK or Signoz. - Can run in both non-docker or docker environment.
- Start the databases containers. Skip this if use Sqlite.
- Run migrations with the desired database(pg/mariab/sqlite/mongodb)
- Set the db driver in configs/docker.yaml
- Start fiber api by docker
- Test the login api by curl for getting the JWT
- Try the web
- Need more test cases & validations
- Need tons of refactors...
- Web template example by htmx
- Login page
- Forget page
- Users page CRUD
- list page
- form page
- Todos page
- list page
- search by file name (may add a db migration for a view joining todos & documents)
- form page
- upload files
- delete files
- preview files
- list page
- Groups page
- list page
- form page
- manage users
- add a section for managing the ACL for accessing the modules
- Group permssions for ACL
- Add
module for managing users - Add
module for defining the resources(modules) to be control - Add
module for defining the types likeread
etc. - Add
module for storing the ACLs info - Add middleware for checking the group's permission at route.go
- Add GET
- Add
- Generate new module script
- Try
for better tui interaction - Support generate web templates
- Try
- Add Redis & Memcached for caching in GET API
- Try Oauth (goth? or oauth2-proxy?)
I try following the standards from project-layout as much as I can.
├── assets
├── bin
├── build
├── cmd
│  ├── dbmigrate # for run the db migrations in migrations/
│  ├── gen # for generate the new modules in internal/modules & migrations/
│  └── server # go fiber things
├── compose-db.yaml # db containers for dev
├── compose-dev.yaml
├── compose-prod.yaml
├── configs # config files for storing the ENV variables read by viper
│  ├── docker.yaml
│  └── localhost.yaml
├── db-backup
├── db.env # read by compose-db.yaml when initiating dev DBs
├── Dockerfile # read by compose-dev.yaml
├── # read by compose-prod.yaml
├── docs # swagger docs generated by "swag init"
├── fiber-starter.db
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│  ├── auth
│  ├── config # viper funcs for reading the config in configs/
│  ├── database # the databases implementations
│  ├── helper
│  ├── middleware
│  ├── modules # all APIs store here, they follow the "route-controller-service-repository" pattern
│  └── notification # email notification functions here
├── log # storing the API log files
│  └── requests.log
├── main.go # the fiber starting point
├── Makefile # you get the idea
├── migrations # storing the DB migration files
├── node_modules # because of tailwind
├── package.json # because of tailwind
├── package-lock.json # because of tailwind
├── qrcodes # my stuffs
├── tailwind.config.js
├── uploads # storing the files uploaded by APIs. maybe put these files in assets/ later.
│  ├── xxx.pdf
│  └── yyy.jpg
└── web # serving the HTMX templates and web's libs
├── static # css & js & 3rd parties libs
└── template # web templates for the modules like user, todo etc.
If run the Fiber server without docker, install the following go packages.
for fiber hotreload.
go install
for run the database's migration.
go install -tags 'postgres mysql sqlite3 mongodb'
command for generate swagger doc.
go install
for running the tailwindcss command for frontend html template dev
94f0de9 (chore: update readme)
cp configs/localhost.yaml.sample configs/localhost.yaml
cp configs/docker.yaml.sample configs/docker.yaml
At database
section, edit the engine
engine: "postgres/sqlite/mariadb/mongodb"
- copy and then edit the
if needed
cp db.env.sample db.env
- Start all by docker-compose Postgres, Mariadb & Mongodb will be started
docker-compose -f compose-db.yaml up -d
Set the env
to local
in the configs/<localhost/docker>.yaml
Run the dev container
make docker-dev
docker-compose -f compose-dev.yaml build fiber-api-dev --build-arg UID=$(id -u) && \
docker-compose -f compose-dev.yaml up -d
Check status
docker-compose -f compose-dev.yaml ps
Watch the log
make docker-dev-log
Change the values in the configs/<localhost/docker>.yaml
- Change the
- Change the
- Change
- Change
higher than0
Run the production container
make docker-prod
Check status
docker-compose -f compose-prod.yaml ps
Run DB migration
Because of the production's container doesn't contain db migration files, use dev container to run the migrations:
make docker-dev
docker-compose -f compose-dev.yaml run fiber-api-dev go run -tags 'libsqlite3 linux musl' main.go migrate-up postgres
Watch the log
make docker-prod-log
Install go-migrate and then follow the detail usage for different DBs.
||||||| parent of f0c91aa (chore: add compose-db.yaml for start up databases)
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations/<dbEngine(postgres/mariadb/sqlite)> -seq <migrationName>
e.g. postgres:
migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations/postgres -seq add_new_col_to_users
migrate create -ext json -dir migrations/mongodb -seq add_xxx_index_to_users
Run migrations
make tw-watch
curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:7000/ping
There is a default admin
user with password admin
once the DB migrations ran.
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:7000/api/auth/login \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name":"admin","password":"admin"}'
The cmd/gen/gen.go
is for generating new module without tedious copy & paste, find & replace.
curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:7000/ping \
--header 'User-Agent: insomnium/0.2.3-a'
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:7000/api/auth/login \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name":"admin","password":"admin"}'
curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:7000/ping \
--header 'User-Agent: insomnium/0.2.3-a'
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:7000/api/auth/login \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name":"admin","password":"admin"}'
The cmd/gen/gen.go
is for generating new module without tedious copy & paste, find & replace.
Module name should be a singular noun, with an initial which uses as the reciver methods.
go run main.go generate <module-name-in-singular-lower-case e.g: userDocument> <initial e.g: u (for ud)>
Example to generate new module post
go run main.go generate post p
sample output:
created internal/modules/post
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/postgres/000009_create_posts.up.sql
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/postgres/000009_create_posts.down.sql
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/mongodb/000008_create_posts.up.json
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/mongodb/000008_create_posts.down.json
DB migration files for post created in ./migrations,
please go to add the SQL statements in up+down files, and then run: make migrate-up
Afterwards, the following should be created:
Then you have to edit the interal/modules/post/type.go
for its fields,
and edit the migration files in migrations/<postgres/mariadb/sqlite/mongodb>
for its columns and run the migrations.
Then the post
's CRUD should be ready.
curl --request GET \
--url http://localhost:7000/ping
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:7000/api/auth/login \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"name":"admin","password":"admin"}'
The cmd/gen/gen.go
is for generating new module without tedious copy & paste, find & replace.
Module name should be a singular noun, with an initial which uses as the reciver methods.
go run main.go generate <module-name-in-singular-lower-case e.g: userDocument> <initial e.g: u (for ud)>
Example to generate new module post
go run main.go generate post p
sample output:
created internal/modules/post
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/postgres/000009_create_posts.up.sql
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/postgres/000009_create_posts.down.sql
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/mongodb/000008_create_posts.up.json
created /home/drachen/git/personal/fiber-starter/migrations/mongodb/000008_create_posts.down.json
DB migration files for post created in ./migrations,
please go to add the SQL statements in up+down files, and then run: make migrate-up
Afterwards, the following should be created:
Then you have to edit the interal/modules/post/type.go
for its fields,
and edit the migration files in migrations/<postgres/mariadb/sqlite/mongodb>
for its columns and run the migrations.
Then the post
's CRUD should be ready.
To disable cache when running tests, run with options: -count=1
go test -v -race ./... -count=1
go test -v -race ./... -count=1 --tags=integration
Substitude with specific test name
- TestSqliteConstructSelectStmtFromQuerystring
- TestMariadbConstructSelectStmtFromQuerystring
- TestPgConstructSelectStmtFromQuerystring
- TestMongodbConstructSelectStmtFromQuerystring
go test -v ./internal/database -run <test name> -count=1 --tags=integration
In each module under internal/modules/<module>/route.go
, edit the swagger doc before generate the docs/
directory at next section below.
$ swag fmt
$ swag init
docker run -d --name signoz-host-otel-collector --user root -v $(pwd)/log/requests.log:/tmp/requests.log:ro -v $(pwd)/otel-collector-config.yaml:/etc/otel/config.yaml --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway signoz/signoz-otel-collector:0.88.11