Step1: Getting Rinkeby Test tokens.
Follow instructions here:
Step2: Deploying SmartContract on Rinkeby Test Net.
a. launch Remix ide:
b. Copy UrlShortner code and paste it.
c. Compile.
d. To deploy choose injected web3 environment from drop down.
e. Deploy smart contract.
f. copy smart contract address.
Step3: Monitor Contract Transactions
a. Go to
b. Copy paste your smart contract address.
c. In Remix.ide after deploying it gives a nice interface to interact with the contract.
d. Observe transactions in Rinkeby.
Step4: Use Python client to interact with the deployed smart contract.
a. Get your infura url (ethereum node as a service):
b. Set environment variables in python environment accordingly.
c. Run python interactor.
d. Observer printed hash for your URL.