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lucasatstoryb edited this page Nov 18, 2022 · 3 revisions


The CI workflow is responsible for combining two different workflows.

  • CI_CHECK: That runs unit test and scans the code for bugs and vulnerabiltiies.
  • CI_BUILD: That builds the image and then scan it for vulnerabilities and missconfigurations.

Each workflow works separatelly, but for policy enforcement these workflows works are as a single one.

How to call this workflow.

    name: '<Job name such as CI>'
    uses: signalwire/actions-template/.github/workflows/ci.yml@main
      PROJECT_NAME: "<project_name matching DockerHub repo name>"
      LANGUAGE: 'dot-net'
      COVERAGE: true
      FILE: <path to Dockerfile>
      SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
      SONAR_HOST_URL: ${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }}
      GH_BOT_DEPLOY_KEY: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_DEPLOY_KEY }}
      GITHUBTOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Name Default Value Type Required Description
PROJECT_NAME String true The project name that matches with DockerHub Repo name
LANGUAGE String false The default project language. Accepted values are "dot-net", "JavaScript" and "Ruby"
NODE_VERSION 19 String false Default Node.Js version
RUBY_VERSION 2.7.4 String false Default Ruby version
DOTNET_VERSION 6.0.403 String false Default .NET core version
COVERAGE true Boolean false Whenever you want SonarQube to run Coverage reports in your code
PUSH false Boolean false Whenever you want to push a docker image to DockerHub
FILE ./Dockerfile String false Default path to Dockerfile when building it
CONTEXT . String false Default docker context when building an image
PLATFORMS linux/amd64 String false Support for multiplatform build
ENABLE_GPG false Boolean false Whenever you need to decrypt some GPG file
GPG_FILE String false Path to GPG file to be decrypted
SUBMODULES_RECURSIVE false Boolean false Whenever you want to fetch GIT submodules
TEST_DEPENDENCIES false Boolean false Whenever unit tests require dependencies to run, such as redis
DEPENDENCIES_FILE ./provisioning/docker-compose.yml String false Path to a docker-compose file containing all dependencies to execute unit tests with their ports exposed
TAG type=schedule type=ref,event=pr type=semver,pattern={{version}} type=semver,pattern={{major}}.{{minor}} type=semver,pattern={{major}} type=sha String false The docker image tag according to
BUILD_ARGS String false Docker build args values


Name Required Description
SONAR_HOST_URL false The default SonarQube host URL
SONAR_TOKEN false Sonar project token
SONAR_PROJECT_KEY false Sonar project key generate when a new project is created
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME true Dockerhub username
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN true Dockerhub password/PAT/token
GPG_PASSPHRASE false Key used to decrypt a GPG file, ENABLE_GPG must be set to true
GH_BOT_DEPLOY_KEY false Used to fetch depencies, SUBMODULE_RECURSIVE must be set to true
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