안녕하세요 백수입니다. 좋은 일자리 찾고 있습니다. ML/Data/DevOps 가리지 않는 잡부입니다.
코딩을 잘한다 자부하진 않지만, 노력 때려박는 데에는 일가견이 있습니다.
- Software Maestro 15th (2024.03-2024.12)
- Repulic of Korea Navy Headquarters(2022.8-2024.03)
- AI Research Engineer, Compulsory military service
- Nota incorporated(2021.12-2022.7)
- MLOps Engineer, Intern
- Migrate on-prem data infra to AWS Data Lake(S3, Athena, Glue, Fargate, Lambda)
- Build Kubeflow cluster on GKE for efficient ML/DL training
- Yonsei University(2021-), Seoul, South Korea
- Undergraduate Computer Science
- Yonsei University(2019-), Wonju, South Korea
- Undergraduate Physics
- Google Developer Student Clubs KR(2020-2021)
- Community Lead