Note that Simplest-CMS is currently running in Preview. The version available has severe limitations that make it unsuitable for production workloads, including missing features, limited performance and stability issues. We will address all these limitations before issuing a stable release later this year.
It's a Content Management System for SPA (single-page application) websites.
- No database
- Simple authentication
- You create your own structure/collections
- License MIT
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 5.4.0
- JSON PHP Extension
npx github:simplest-cms/simplest-cms <your-directory>
or copy these files from the /dist
After install/copy, you need to edit the file "config.php".
By standard the file is data.json
- text
- textarea
- select
- checkbox
- radio
- number
- range
- search
- time
- datetime
- date
- country
- editorhtml
- editormarkdown
- url
- image
- timestamp
- color
- one
- many
- slug
- unique
- required
- not-required
- default
- label
- description
If don't want the values should be a collection, add '@' before the name. Example:
(in config.php)
// ...
"schema" => [
"@config" => [
"title" => "text default(Inc Company)",
"email" => "text default([email protected])",
In config.php
// ...
'schema' => [
'tags'=> [
'title'=> 'text required',
'categories'=> [
'title'=> 'text required',
'posts'=> [
'title'=> 'text required',
'body'=> 'textarea',
'type'=> 'select(article, project, experimental) multiple',
'featured'=> 'checkbox default(1)',
'published_at'=> 'date required',
'category_id'=> 'one(categories, title)',
'tag_ids'=> 'many(tags, title)',
'@config'=> [
'title'=> 'text default(Inc Company)',
'email'=> 'text default([email protected])',
To access the data via JavaScript
const getData = fetch(`./<cms-directory>/data.json`)
.then(res => res.json())
getData().then(data) => {
console.log('All data:', data)