This CKAN solution uses a custom build CKAN container image and a helm chart to deploy the custom CKAN container and other services (solr, datapusher,...) The container image should be present in the GitLabs docker registry. In this document the build and deployment of the ckan image is explained
for the ODALA project.
© 2023 Sirus
License EUPL 1.2
To build, tag, and push docker images to the private docker registry or other docker registry:
- Go into the root of the CKAN directory (top level)
- Login to the docker registry using
docker login
or other docker registry - Build the images
docker build -t ./ckan-odala
- Push the image to the store
docker push
Add the image to the registry (previous steps) Change the ckan-odala image version number in values.yaml The release process is automated if you use the cicd pipepeline: .gitlab-ci.yml, the pipeline is triggered when changes are pushed to a branch with prefix odala-staging
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml --namespace odala-staging
- If the ckan container is in failed state (mostly after new release): delete manually and a new one will spin up
- Custom property pvc.createckanpvc to prevent recreation of volume (dataloss, e.g. site images) when deploying. Set to true to recreate volume (needs to be deleted on the cluster first)
- The existing datasets "disappeared": you can look them up via Rest Api or hardcoded in Document: Datasets.MD, open the dataset -> Groups -> Remove Group -> Add the Group again. Cause: ckan/ckan#4425 The solr volume is removed on every deploy. Solution: let solr run / see github solutions / working with helm upgrade, this will work as long as solr isn't changed in the helm chart
- In GitLab
- As Kubernetes secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry gitlab-regcred --docker-username=gitlab+deploy-token-1 --docker-password=PWHERE
- add license to ckan-odala/licenses/licenses.json
- Build custom docker image (ckan-odala/Dockerfile):
- Add the file: ADD licenses/licenses.json licenses.json
- Set config: config-tool ${APP_DIR}/production.ini "licenses_group_url = file://licenses.json"
- create vocabulary: resource_format ("name": "resource_format")
- get resource_format id
is included in Dockerfile
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace
Make sure that the ingress controller has external ip 'localhost'
kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx
issues multiple delete/deploy: external ip status reamains 'pending' (port 80 in use): restart docker-desktop kubernetes and machine
docker build -t ckan-odala:1.0.0 .
helm install ckan-odala ckan-helm -f ckan-helm/valueslocal.yaml --namespace ckan --create-namespace
kubectl apply -f ingresslocal.yaml --namespace ckan
Access CKAN via 'localhost'
kubectl delete pvc -l release=ckan-odala |
kubectl delete pvc solr-pvc-solr-0 |
kubectl delete pvc data-postgres-0```
If volume ckan needs to be recreated:
```kubectl delete pvc ckan```
and enable pvc.createckanpvc in helm values.yml for the next deploy