An e-commerce application following Modular Monolith architecture using Spring Modulith. The goal of this application is to demonstrate various features of Spring Modulith with a practical application.
This application follows modular monolith architecture with the following modules:
- Common: This module contains the code that is shared by all modules.
- Catalog: This module manages the catalog of products and store data in
schema. - Orders: This module implements the order management and store the data in
schema. - Inventory: This module implements the inventory management and store the data in
schema. - Notifications: This module handles the events published by other modules and sends notifications to the interested parties.
- Implement each module as independently as possible.
- Prefer event-driven communication instead of direct module dependency wherever applicable.
- Store data managed by each module in an isolated manner by using different schema or database.
- Each module should be testable by loading only module-specific components.
Module communication:
- Common module is an OPEN module that can be used by other modules.
- Orders module invokes the Catalog module public API to validate the order details
- When an Order is successfully created, Orders module publishes "OrderCreatedEvent"
- The "OrderCreatedEvent" will also be published to external broker like RabbitMQ. Other applications may consume and process those events.
- Inventory module consumes "OrderCreatedEvent" and updates the stock level for the products.
- Notifications module consumes "OrderCreatedEvent" and sends an order confirmation email to the customer.
- JDK 21
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Your favourite IDE (Recommended: IntelliJ IDEA)
Install JDK, Maven, Gradle using SDKMAN
$ curl -s "" | bash
$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
$ sdk install java 21.0.1-tem
$ sdk install gradle
$ sdk install maven
Task is a task runner that we can use to run any arbitrary commands in easier way.
$ brew install go-task
$ go install
Verify the prerequisites
$ java -version
$ docker info
$ docker compose version
$ task --version
The default Taskfile.yml
is configured to use Maven.
Another Taskfile.gradle.yml
is also created with Gradle configuration.
If you want to use Gradle instead of Maven, then add -t Taskfile.gradle.yml
for the task
For example:
$ task test` // uses Maven
$ task -t Taskfile.gradle.yml test` //uses Gradle
# Run tests
$ task test
# Automatically format code using spotless-maven-plugin
$ task format
# Build docker image
$ task build_image
# Run OpenRewrite Recipes
$ task open_rewrite
# Run application in docker container
$ task start
$ task stop
$ task restart
- Application URL: http://localhost:8080
- Actuator URL: http://localhost:8080/actuator
- Actuator URL for modulith: http://localhost:8080/actuator/modulith
- RabbitMQ Admin URL: http://localhost:15672 (Credentials: guest/guest)
- Zipkin URL: http://localhost:9411
$ brew install kubectl
$ brew install kind
Create a KinD cluster and deploy an app.
# Create KinD cluster
$ task kind_create
# deploy app to kind cluster
$ task k8s_deploy
# undeploy app
$ task k8s_undeploy
# Destroy KinD cluster
$ task kind_destroy
- Application URL: http://localhost:30090
- RabbitMQ Admin URL: http://localhost:30091 (Credentials: guest/guest)
- Zipkin URL: http://localhost:30092