Self contained RTSP missing link for taky, forcing 8554 port usage and RTSP.
It will also keep track of peoples last locations and attempt to match locations of videofeeds to users with the same name.
Bob1 will be given the same location as rtsp://
This implimentation should be server agnostic, but only tested on taky.
Overwrite settings by attaching config files to the /data/ folder, as with normal node-red docker.
Supported env variables:
- COT_PORT=8089
Keys must be provided in pem/crt/key
They must be attached to the container like so:
- /whatever/ca.pem:/data/certs/ca.pem
- /whatever/server.pem:/data/certs/server.pem
- /whatever/server.key:/data/certs/server.key
Using the atak client package the commands look something like this
openssl pkcs12 -in atak-920a214a-733b-4780-bd2e-34f21b8a49ae.p12 -out client.pem -clcerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in atak-920a214a-733b-4780-bd2e-34f21b8a49ae.p12 -nocerts -out server.key -nodes
openssl pkcs12 -in server-d166795f-f546-4ab9-aa15-25954424987a.p12 -out server.pem -nodes
Add del
as a remark to any marker you want gone. For a better version of this check forcedelete from Hayt here: