Files for the USB attack workshop
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BasicExampleDigispark.ino - Simple example to show keyboard function
Digispark HID Attacks 2019.pdf - Old Slides
Grabify_Payload - Creates a basic Grabify Payload
MacOSOpenTerminal.ino - Payload to open the terminal on MacOS
MouseJiggler.ino - Code from to make mouse jiggler, small movements
MouseJigglerBIG.ino - Code from to make mouse jiggler, large movements
Payload_Crontab - A payload to create a crontab job
RaspberryPiOpenTerminal.ino - Payload to open a terminal on a Raspberry Pi
Rickroll_MacOS.ino - MacOS Script for RickRolling
Rickroll_ubuntu.ino - Rickrolling Payload for Ubuntu/Linux
WindowsRickroll.ino - PowerShell RickRoll Payload
WindowsTrackingPayload.ino - Basic payload to run a tracking URL on a Windows computer