pycroservices is a microservices framework on AWS Lambda.
pycroservices runs AWS Lambda functions designed as a directed acyclic graph. Here is a list of the package contents:
- provide mechanism that makes functions loosely coupled with each other
- run on AWS Lambda
- run on local machine
- provide template creation tool (future work)
- provide graph creation tool (future work)
- provide endopoint creation tool (future work)
- provide validation tool (future work)
- provide deployment tool (future work)
- provide event tracing mechanism
- provide infinite loop limiter
pycroservices is a free software distributed under the Apache license version 2.0.
To install pycroservices, type at your function directory:
pip install pycroservices -t /path/to/your-function-dir
pycroservices requires Python 2.7 and boto3.
Zip the content of the your-function-dir directory, which consists of the following contents:
- your function codes
- configuration files (<function_name>.json)
Upload the zip file to AWS Lambda.
- pycroservices project at GitHub: source code, bug tracker