In total, we run (5 + 4) * 6 = 54 experiments. Among them, we directly predict the labels on Stanford CoreNLP, SentiStrength, SentiStrength-SE, Senti4SD without re-training. While in SentiCR and pre-trained Transformer-based language models, we do supervised learning on each specific dataset.
Do remember to change your file name or location of the data into the scripts.
Six datasets have been used. The sources of these datasets are noted in the paper. Credit to the original authors. You can download the original datasets in the following sources.
- API Reviews (Downloaded from
- APP Reviews (Downloaded from
- Code Reviews (Download from
- GitHub Comments (Downloaded from
- JIRA Issues (
- StackOverflow (
Download from: You should download both the exe file and the SentiStrength Data zip file. After you extract the data file, you will see it contains many useful word lists.
Download from:
Source code:
Source code: or
We used pre-trained BERT, XNLet, RoBERTa, and ALBERT models. We use huggingface library:
We used six python scripts, i.e.,,,,, and For each script, the argument is the model. For example, to run BERT on api data, you can run the like follows: $ python -m 0
(Instead of tuning the hyper-parameters, we used fixed hyper-parameters as stated in our paper.)
You can also apply the early-stopping technique in the scripts, and the code in this folder. If you would like to train/fine-tune the BERT on dataset API, please run $ python -m 0 -r 1
; If you would like to evaluate the fine-tuned BERT on dataset API, please run $ python -m 0 -r 0
. The argument '-r' indicates whether you would like to re-train.
The data used by this group as located in PTM folder
After cloning this repo, you have to modify the training oracle and its corresponding test part. We also put the modified script in and You can replace our scripts in your cloned SentiCR repo to run the test. You should notice that you have to use the same training and test dataset. For example, use training oracle (GitHub dataset) and test file (GitHub dataset).
After your clone the Senti4SD or pySenti4SD, just run the following command without re-training:
sh -i test_dataset.csv -o predictions.csv or
sh test_dataset.csv predictions.csv
After getting the predictions, please run to analyze the prediction performance.
After you download and start the Stanford CoreNLP server, you can import the library by referring the example in this repo. Our script is in
As all the input should only be one line, we should convert our data into this format in case some sentences have multiple lines. Our used test data can be found in SentiStrength folder. If you want to run your own, you can directly use our script
Run SentiStrength2.3Free.exe. The process is as follows:
- Select reporting options Click on 'Reporting Options' -> Unchoose 'Report Classification Rationale' and 'Report Translation (From Abbreviations etc.)'. In other words, we only select 'Report Sentiment Strength CLassifications [don't uncheck this normally ever].
- Select input file Click on 'Sentiment Strength Analysis' -> 'Analyse ALL Texts in File [each line separately]' -> Select the test file -> 'Echo header line to the results?', select 'Yes' -> 'Which column contains the text? Enter 1 for ...', enter 1 -> Choose your folder to save the output file
The input file is a txt file, which in each line is a test text. It will output a file, in each line, it has two values, which represent the negative and positive values, respectively. Our strategy is to calculate the sum of these two values.
After getting the predictions, please run to analyze the prediction performance.
Almost the same workflow as SentiStrength.
The same as SentiStrength.
This application is almost the same as SentiStrength. It will output two integer values, and we assign a sentiment value based on the sum.
java -jar SentiStrength-SE_V1.5.jar
Input-> Select the test file
Detect Sentiments
After getting the predictions, please run to analyze the predictions.
We compared the predictions made by XLNet and SentiCR in Discussion part in our paper. The script used is
If you have any problems, feel free to contact Ting Zhang ([email protected])
If you find this repo useful, please consider to cite our work.
title={Sentiment Analysis for Software Engineering: How Far Can Pre-trained Transformer Models Go?},
author={Zhang, Ting and Xu, Bowen and Thung, Ferdian and Haryono, Stefanus Agus and Lo, David and Jiang, Lingxiao},
booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)},