Only DPS Bot is a Discord Bot that provides raiding aid for Final Fantasy XIV. Functionalities include...
- Logging events and raid dates through Google Calendars
- Searching up current tier logs through FFLogs
- Searching up characters and items from the Lodestone through XIVAPI
- discord.ext.menus -
- apscheduler
- aiosqlite
- aiohttp
- Google Client Library (google-api-python-client, google-auth-httplib2, google-auth-oauthlib)
- pyxivapi
- bot_token.0 (Discord Bot Token to be put under lib/bot/)
- credentials.json (for Google Calendar)
- calendar_id.0 (ID of Google Calendar to be used to be put under lib/cogs/)
- log_token.0 (FFLogs Token to be put under lib/cogs/)
- xivsearch_token (XIVSearch Token to be put under lib/cogs/)