A command line application/script, that generates a structural diagram as SVG from configuration like XML. An LOD argument can be used to get a simplified version of the diagram.
- THIS IS A PROTOTYPE and does not yet include all the designated features!
I stoppped working on this. Maybe i continue later, maybe not. If you are looking for something like this, but is polished and already of real use, please consider https://plantuml.com :-)
- bundle links in LOD reduction
- separate links vertically / at exit of box
- allow horizontal alignment of children boxes
- prettify resulting diagram in general
- write build instructions
- provide prebuild binaries
- cleanup prototype code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<box text="A subject or some kind of nifty text.\nEven multi lined." rootMargin="10">
<box text="1" childrenPadding="10" padding="10">
<box id="1.1" text="1.1" />
<box id="1.2" text="1.2" />
<box text="2" padding="10" linkPadding="10">
<box text="2.1">
<link target="1.1" />
<link target="1.2" />
<link target="3.1" />
<box text="2.1.1">
<link target="1.1" startCap="arrowOut" endCap="arrowIn:5" />
<link target="2.2" />
<link target="2.4" />
<box id="2.2" text="2.2" />
<box text="" />
<box id="2.4" />
<box text="3">
<box id="3.1" text="3.1" />
and with an LOD of 2:
- apt install build-essential libcairo2-dev libxml2-dev
- ...
As i want to finish 1.0 on my own as an exercise, i won't apply pull request until that goal is reached, sorry.
Copyright (c) Sophie Kühn
This application is made available under the GNU General Public License v3.0.
Please see the LICENSE file for further details.