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Restructure #404

GitHub Actions / clippy succeeded Jun 24, 2024 in 2s


109 warnings



Message level Amount
Internal compiler error 0
Error 0
Warning 109
Note 0
Help 0


  • rustc 1.79.0 (129f3b996 2024-06-10)
  • cargo 1.79.0 (ffa9cf99a 2024-06-03)
  • clippy 0.1.79 (129f3b9 2024-06-10)


Check warning on line 112 in specta-zod/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression always evaluates to true

warning: this expression always evaluates to true
   --> specta-zod/src/
112 |     let prefix = match start_with_newline && !comments.is_empty() {
    |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::const_is_empty)]` on by default

Check warning on line 8 in specta-zod/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

field `0` is never read

warning: field `0` is never read
 --> specta-zod/src/
8 |     TypeExtended(Cow<'static, str>, ImplLocation),
  |     ------------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |     |
  |     field in this variant
  = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
help: consider changing the field to be of unit type to suppress this warning while preserving the field numbering, or remove the field
8 |     TypeExtended((), ImplLocation),
  |                  ~~

Check warning on line 789 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

passing a unit value to a function

warning: passing a unit value to a function
   --> specta-typescript/src/
649 | /     Ok(match &e.repr() {
650 | |         EnumRepr::Untagged => {
651 | |             let mut variants = e
652 | |                 .variants()
...   |
788 | |         }
789 | |     })
    | |______^
    = help: for further information visit
help: move the expression in front of the call and replace it with the unit literal `()`
649 ~     match &e.repr() {
650 +         EnumRepr::Untagged => {
651 +             let mut variants = e
652 +                 .variants()
653 +                 .iter()
654 +                 .filter(|(_, variant)| !variant.skip())
655 +                 .map(|(name, variant)| {
656 +                     Ok(match variant.inner() {
657 +                         EnumVariants::Unit => NULL.to_string(),
658 +                         _ => inner_comments(
659 +                             ctx.clone(),
660 +                             variant.deprecated(),
661 +                   ,
662 +                             enum_variant_datatype(
663 +                                 ctx.with(PathItem::Variant(name.clone())),
664 +                                 type_map,
665 +                                 name.clone(),
666 +                                 variant,
667 +                             )?
668 +                             .expect("Invalid Serde type"),
669 +                             true,
670 +                         ),
671 +                     })
672 +                 })
673 +                 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
674 +             variants.dedup();
675 +             s.push_str(&variants.join(" | "));
676 +         }
677 +         repr => {
678 +             let mut variants = e
679 +                 .variants()
680 +                 .iter()
681 +                 .filter(|(_, variant)| !variant.skip())
682 +                 .map(|(variant_name, variant)| {
683 +                     let sanitised_name = sanitise_key(variant_name.clone(), true);
684 + 
685 +                     Ok(inner_comments(
686 +                         ctx.clone(),
687 +                         variant.deprecated(),
688 +               ,
689 +                         match (repr, &variant.inner()) {
690 +                             (EnumRepr::Untagged, _) => unreachable!(),
691 +                             (EnumRepr::Internal { tag }, EnumVariants::Unit) => {
692 +                                 format!("{{ {tag}: {sanitised_name} }}")
693 +                             }
694 +                             (EnumRepr::Internal { tag }, EnumVariants::Unnamed(tuple)) => {
695 +                                 let fields = skip_fields(tuple.fields()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
696 + 
697 +                                 // This field is only required for `{ty}` not `[...]` so we only need to check when there one field
698 +                                 let dont_join_ty = if tuple.fields().len() == 1 {
699 +                                     let (_, ty) = fields.first().expect("checked length above");
700 +                                     validate_type_for_tagged_intersection(
701 +                                         ctx.clone(),
702 +                                         (**ty).clone(),
703 +                                         type_map,
704 +                                     )?
705 +                                 } else {
706 +                                     false
707 +                                 };
708 + 
709 +                                 let mut typ = String::new();
710 + 
711 +                                 unnamed_fields_datatype(ctx.clone(), &fields, type_map, &mut typ)?;
712 + 
713 +                                 if dont_join_ty {
714 +                                     format!("({{ {tag}: {sanitised_name} }})")
715 +                                 } else {
716 +                                     // We wanna be sure `... & ... | ...` becomes `... & (... | ...)`
717 +                                     if typ.contains('|') {
718 +                                         typ = format!("({typ})");
719 +                                     }
720 +                                     format!("({{ {tag}: {sanitised_name} }} & {typ})")
721 +                                 }
722 +                             }
723 +                             (EnumRepr::Internal { tag }, EnumVariants::Named(obj)) => {
724 +                                 let mut fields = vec![format!("{tag}: {sanitised_name}")];
725 + 
726 +                                 for (name, field) in skip_fields_named(obj.fields()) {
727 +                                     let mut other = String::new();
728 +                                     object_field_to_ts(
729 +                                         ctx.with(PathItem::Field(name.clone())),
730 +                                         name.clone(),
731 +                                         field,
732 +                                         type_map,
733 +                                         &mut other,
734 +                                     )?;
735 +                                     fields.push(other);
736 +                                 }
737 + 
738 +                                 format!("{{ {} }}", fields.join("; "))
739 +                             }
740 +                             (EnumRepr::External, EnumVariants::Unit) => sanitised_name.to_string(),
741 +                             (EnumRepr::External, _) => {
742 +                                 let ts_values = enum_variant_datatype(
743 +                                     ctx.with(PathItem::Variant(variant_name.clone())),
744 +                                     type_map,
745 +                                     variant_name.clone(),
746 +                                     variant,
747 +                                 )?;
748 +                                 let sanitised_name = sanitise_key(variant_name.clone(), false);
749 + 
750 +                                 match ts_values {
751 +                                     Some(ts_values) => {
752 +                                         format!("{{ {sanitised_name}: {ts_values} }}")
753 +                                     }
754 +                                     None => format!(r#""{sanitised_name}""#),
755 +                                 }
756 +                             }
757 +                             (EnumRepr::Adjacent { tag, .. }, EnumVariants::Unit) => {
758 +                                 format!("{{ {tag}: {sanitised_name} }}")
759 +                             }
760 +                             (EnumRepr::Adjacent { tag, content }, _) => {
761 +                                 let ts_value = enum_variant_datatype(
762 +                                     ctx.with(PathItem::Variant(variant_name.clone())),
763 +                                     type_map,
764 +                                     variant_name.clone(),
765 +                                     variant,
766 +                                 )?;
767 + 
768 +                                 let mut s = String::new();
769 + 
770 +                                 s.push_str("{ ");
771 + 
772 +                                 write!(s, "{tag}: {sanitised_name}")?;
773 +                                 if let Some(ts_value) = ts_value {
774 +                                     write!(s, "; {content}: {ts_value}")?;
775 +                                 }
776 + 
777 +                                 s.push_str(" }");
778 + 
779 +                                 s
780 +                             }
781 +                         },
782 +                         true,
783 +                     ))
784 +                 })
785 +                 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
786 +             variants.dedup();
787 +             s.push_str(&variants.join(" | "));
788 +         }
789 +     };
790 +     Ok(())

Check warning on line 506 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

passing a unit value to a function

warning: passing a unit value to a function
   --> specta-typescript/src/
503 |                   return Ok(match named.tag().as_ref() {
    |  ________________________^
504 | |                     Some(tag) => write!(s, r#"{{ "{tag}": "{key}" }}"#)?,
505 | |                     None => write!(s, "Record<{STRING}, {NEVER}>")?,
506 | |                 });
    | |__________________^
    = help: for further information visit
help: move the expression in front of the call and replace it with the unit literal `()`
503 ~                 return {
504 +                     match named.tag().as_ref() {
505 +                         Some(tag) => write!(s, r#"{{ "{tag}": "{key}" }}"#)?,
506 +                         None => write!(s, "Record<{STRING}, {NEVER}>")?,
507 +                     };
508 +                     Ok(())
509 ~                 };

Check warning on line 563 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

passing a unit value to a function

warning: passing a unit value to a function
   --> specta-typescript/src/
491 | /     Ok(match &strct.fields() {
492 | |         StructFields::Unit => s.push_str(NULL),
493 | |         StructFields::Unnamed(unnamed) => unnamed_fields_datatype(
494 | |             ctx,
...   |
562 | |         }
563 | |     })
    | |______^
    = help: for further information visit
help: move the expression in front of the call and replace it with the unit literal `()`
491 ~     match &strct.fields() {
492 +         StructFields::Unit => s.push_str(NULL),
493 +         StructFields::Unnamed(unnamed) => unnamed_fields_datatype(
494 +             ctx,
495 +             &skip_fields(unnamed.fields()).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
496 +             type_map,
497 +             s,
498 +         )?,
499 +         StructFields::Named(named) => {
500 +             let fields = skip_fields_named(named.fields()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
501 + 
502 +             if fields.is_empty() {
503 +                 return Ok(match named.tag().as_ref() {
504 +                     Some(tag) => write!(s, r#"{{ "{tag}": "{key}" }}"#)?,
505 +                     None => write!(s, "Record<{STRING}, {NEVER}>")?,
506 +                 });
507 +             }
508 + 
509 +             let (flattened, non_flattened): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
510 +                 fields.iter().partition(|(_, (f, _))| f.flatten());
511 + 
512 +             let mut field_sections = flattened
513 +                 .into_iter()
514 +                 .map(|(key, (field, ty))| {
515 +                     let mut s = String::new();
516 +                     datatype_inner(ctx.with(PathItem::Field(key.clone())), ty, type_map, &mut s)
517 +                         .map(|_| {
518 +                             inner_comments(
519 +                                 ctx.clone(),
520 +                                 field.deprecated(),
521 +                       ,
522 +                                 format!("({s})"),
523 +                                 true,
524 +                             )
525 +                         })
526 +                 })
527 +                 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
528 + 
529 +             let mut unflattened_fields = non_flattened
530 +                 .into_iter()
531 +                 .map(|(key, field_ref)| {
532 +                     let (field, _) = field_ref;
533 + 
534 +                     let mut other = String::new();
535 +                     object_field_to_ts(
536 +                         ctx.with(PathItem::Field(key.clone())),
537 +                         key.clone(),
538 +                         field_ref,
539 +                         type_map,
540 +                         &mut other,
541 +                     )?;
542 + 
543 +                     Ok(inner_comments(
544 +                         ctx.clone(),
545 +                         field.deprecated(),
546 +               ,
547 +                         other,
548 +                         true,
549 +                     ))
550 +                 })
551 +                 .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
552 + 
553 +             if let Some(tag) = &named.tag() {
554 +                 unflattened_fields.push(format!("{tag}: \"{key}\""));
555 +             }
556 + 
557 +             if !unflattened_fields.is_empty() {
558 +                 field_sections.push(format!("{{ {} }}", unflattened_fields.join("; ")));
559 +             }
560 + 
561 +             s.push_str(&field_sections.join(" & "));
562 +         }
563 +     };
564 +     Ok(())

Check warning on line 465 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

passing a unit value to a function

warning: passing a unit value to a function
   --> specta-typescript/src/
432 | /     Ok(match fields {
433 | |         [(field, ty)] => {
434 | |             let mut v = String::new();
435 | |             datatype_inner(ctx.clone(), ty, type_map, &mut v)?;
...   |
464 | |         }
465 | |     })
    | |______^
    = help: for further information visit
help: move the expression in front of the call and replace it with the unit literal `()`
432 ~     match fields {
433 +         [(field, ty)] => {
434 +             let mut v = String::new();
435 +             datatype_inner(ctx.clone(), ty, type_map, &mut v)?;
436 +             s.push_str(&inner_comments(
437 +                 ctx,
438 +                 field.deprecated(),
439 +       ,
440 +                 v,
441 +                 true,
442 +             ));
443 +         }
444 +         fields => {
445 +             s.push('[');
446 + 
447 +             for (i, (field, ty)) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
448 +                 if i != 0 {
449 +                     s.push_str(", ");
450 +                 }
451 + 
452 +                 let mut v = String::new();
453 +                 datatype_inner(ctx.clone(), ty, type_map, &mut v)?;
454 +                 s.push_str(&inner_comments(
455 +                     ctx.clone(),
456 +                     field.deprecated(),
457 +           ,
458 +                     v,
459 +                     true,
460 +                 ));
461 +             }
462 + 
463 +             s.push(']');
464 +         }
465 +     };
466 +     Ok(())

Check warning on line 402 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
   --> specta-typescript/src/
402 |                 s.push_str(&;
    |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: ``
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 400 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
   --> specta-typescript/src/
400 |             [] => s.push_str(&,
    |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: ``
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 327 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
   --> specta-typescript/src/
327 |             datatype_inner(ctx, &def.ty(), type_map, &mut dt)?;
    |                                 ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `def.ty()`
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default

Check warning on line 422 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

passing a unit value to a function

warning: passing a unit value to a function
   --> specta-typescript/src/
269 | /     Ok(match &typ {
270 | |         DataType::Any => s.push_str(ANY),
271 | |         DataType::Unknown => s.push_str(UNKNOWN),
272 | |         DataType::Primitive(p) => {
...   |
421 | |         DataType::Generic(ident) => s.push_str(&ident.to_string()),
422 | |     })
    | |______^
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::unit_arg)]` on by default
help: move the expression in front of the call and replace it with the unit literal `()`
269 ~     match &typ {
270 +         DataType::Any => s.push_str(ANY),
271 +         DataType::Unknown => s.push_str(UNKNOWN),
272 +         DataType::Primitive(p) => {
273 +             let ctx = ctx.with(PathItem::Type(p.to_rust_str().into()));
274 +             let str = match p {
275 +                 primitive_def!(i8 i16 i32 u8 u16 u32 f32 f64) => NUMBER,
276 +                 primitive_def!(usize isize i64 u64 i128 u128) => match ctx.cfg.bigint {
277 +                     BigIntExportBehavior::String => STRING,
278 +                     BigIntExportBehavior::Number => NUMBER,
279 +                     BigIntExportBehavior::BigInt => BIGINT,
280 +                     BigIntExportBehavior::Fail => {
281 +                         return Err(ExportError::BigIntForbidden(ctx.export_path()));
282 +                     }
283 +                     BigIntExportBehavior::FailWithReason(reason) => {
284 +                         return Err(ExportError::Other(ctx.export_path(), reason.to_owned()))
285 +                     }
286 +                 },
287 +                 primitive_def!(String char) => STRING,
288 +                 primitive_def!(bool) => BOOLEAN,
289 +             };
290 + 
291 +             s.push_str(str);
292 +         }
293 +         DataType::Literal(literal) => match literal {
294 +             LiteralType::i8(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
295 +             LiteralType::i16(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
296 +             LiteralType::i32(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
297 +             LiteralType::u8(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
298 +             LiteralType::u16(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
299 +             LiteralType::u32(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
300 +             LiteralType::f32(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
301 +             LiteralType::f64(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
302 +             LiteralType::bool(v) => write!(s, "{v}")?,
303 +             LiteralType::String(v) => write!(s, r#""{v}""#)?,
304 +             LiteralType::char(v) => write!(s, r#""{v}""#)?,
305 +             LiteralType::None => s.write_str(NULL)?,
306 +             _ => unreachable!(),
307 +         },
308 +         DataType::Nullable(def) => {
309 +             datatype_inner(ctx, def, type_map, s)?;
310 + 
311 +             let or_null = format!(" | {NULL}");
312 +             if !s.ends_with(&or_null) {
313 +                 s.push_str(&or_null);
314 +             }
315 +         }
316 +         DataType::Map(def) => {
317 +             // We use this instead of `Record<K, V>` to avoid issues with circular references.
318 +             s.push_str("{ [key in ");
319 +             datatype_inner(ctx.clone(), def.key_ty(), type_map, s)?;
320 +             s.push_str("]: ");
321 +             datatype_inner(ctx.clone(), def.value_ty(), type_map, s)?;
322 +             s.push_str(" }");
323 +         }
324 +         // We use `T[]` instead of `Array<T>` to avoid issues with circular references.
325 +         DataType::List(def) => {
326 +             let mut dt = String::new();
327 +             datatype_inner(ctx, &def.ty(), type_map, &mut dt)?;
328 + 
329 +             let dt = if (dt.contains(' ') && !dt.ends_with('}'))
330 +                 // This is to do with maintaining order of operations.
331 +                 // Eg `{} | {}` must be wrapped in parens like `({} | {})[]` but `{}` doesn't cause `{}[]` is valid
332 +                 || (dt.contains(' ') && (dt.contains('&') || dt.contains('|')))
333 +             {
334 +                 format!("({dt})")
335 +             } else {
336 +                 dt
337 +             };
338 + 
339 +             if let Some(length) = def.length() {
340 +                 s.push('[');
341 + 
342 +                 for n in 0..length {
343 +                     if n != 0 {
344 +                         s.push_str(", ");
345 +                     }
346 + 
347 +                     s.push_str(&dt);
348 +                 }
349 + 
350 +                 s.push(']');
351 +             } else {
352 +                 write!(s, "{dt}[]")?;
353 +             }
354 +         }
355 +         DataType::Struct(item) => struct_datatype(
356 +             ctx.with(
357 +                 item.sid()
358 +                     .and_then(|sid| type_map.get(*sid))
359 +                     .and_then(|v| v.ext())
360 +                     .map(|v| PathItem::TypeExtended(, *v.impl_location()))
361 +                     .unwrap_or_else(|| PathItem::Type(,
362 +             ),
363 +   ,
364 +             item,
365 +             type_map,
366 +             s,
367 +         )?,
368 +         DataType::Enum(item) => {
369 +             let mut ctx = ctx.clone();
370 +             let cfg = ctx.cfg.clone().bigint(BigIntExportBehavior::Number);
371 +             if item.skip_bigint_checks() {
372 +                 ctx.cfg = &cfg;
373 +             }
374 + 
375 +             enum_datatype(
376 +                 ctx.with(PathItem::Variant(,
377 +                 item,
378 +                 type_map,
379 +                 s,
380 +             )?
381 +         }
382 +         DataType::Tuple(tuple) => s.push_str(&tuple_datatype(ctx, tuple, type_map)?),
383 +         DataType::Result(result) => {
384 +             let mut variants = vec![
385 +                 {
386 +                     let mut v = String::new();
387 +                     datatype_inner(ctx.clone(), &result.0, type_map, &mut v)?;
388 +                     v
389 +                 },
390 +                 {
391 +                     let mut v = String::new();
392 +                     datatype_inner(ctx, &result.1, type_map, &mut v)?;
393 +                     v
394 +                 },
395 +             ];
396 +             variants.dedup();
397 +             s.push_str(&variants.join(" | "));
398 +         }
399 +         DataType::Reference(reference) => match &reference.generics()[..] {
400 +             [] => s.push_str(&,
401 +             generics => {
402 +                 s.push_str(&;
403 +                 s.push('<');
404 + 
405 +                 for (i, (_, v)) in generics.iter().enumerate() {
406 +                     if i != 0 {
407 +                         s.push_str(", ");
408 +                     }
409 + 
410 +                     datatype_inner(
411 +                         ctx.with(PathItem::Type(,
412 +                         v,
413 +                         type_map,
414 +                         s,
415 +                     )?;
416 +                 }
417 + 
418 +                 s.push('>');
419 +             }
420 +         },
421 +         DataType::Generic(ident) => s.push_str(&ident.to_string()),
422 +     };
423 +     Ok(())

Check warning on line 213 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

using `clone` on type `Option<&NamedDataTypeExt>` which implements the `Copy` trait

warning: using `clone` on type `Option<&NamedDataTypeExt>` which implements the `Copy` trait
   --> specta-typescript/src/
213 |         ext.clone()
    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `ext`
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default

Check warning on line 66 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

constant `RESERVED_IDENTS` is never used

warning: constant `RESERVED_IDENTS` is never used
  --> specta-typescript/src/
66 | pub(crate) const RESERVED_IDENTS: &[&str] = &[
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 98 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

method `push_generic` is never used

warning: method `push_generic` is never used
  --> specta-typescript/src/
59 | impl Builder {
   | ------------ method in this implementation
98 |     pub fn push_generic(&mut self, generic: &GenericType) {
   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 24 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

function `typedef_named_datatype_inner` is never used

warning: function `typedef_named_datatype_inner` is never used
  --> specta-typescript/src/
24 | fn typedef_named_datatype_inner(
   |    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 7 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

function `typedef_named_datatype` is never used

warning: function `typedef_named_datatype` is never used
 --> specta-typescript/src/
7 | pub fn typedef_named_datatype(
  |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 10 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

field `0` is never read

warning: field `0` is never read
  --> specta-typescript/src/
10 |     TypeExtended(Cow<'static, str>, ImplLocation),
   |     ------------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   |     |
   |     field in this variant
   = note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
help: consider changing the field to be of unit type to suppress this warning while preserving the field numbering, or remove the field
10 |     TypeExtended((), ImplLocation),
   |                  ~~

Check warning on line 4 in specta-typescript/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

unused import: `fmt::Display`

warning: unused import: `fmt::Display`
 --> specta-typescript/src/
4 | use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Display};
  |                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default

Check warning on line 250 in specta-serde/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do

warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
   --> specta-serde/src/
250 | fn resolve_generics(mut dt: DataType, generics: &Vec<(GenericType, DataType)>) -> DataType {
    |                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[(GenericType, DataType)]`
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::ptr_arg)]` on by default

Check warning on line 33 in specta-rust/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

redundant closure

warning: redundant closure
  --> specta-rust/src/
33 |                     .map(|v| datatype(v))
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace the closure with the function itself: `datatype`
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::redundant_closure)]` on by default

Check warning on line 36 in specta-util/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
  --> specta-util/src/
36 |             let dt = export(&mut type_map);
   |                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `type_map`
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` implied by `#[warn(clippy::all)]`

Check warning on line 24 in specta-rust/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
  --> specta-rust/src/
24 |             datatype(&t.value_ty())?
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `t.value_ty()`
   = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 23 in specta-rust/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
  --> specta-rust/src/
23 |             datatype(&t.key_ty())?,
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `t.key_ty()`
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default

Check warning on line 17 in specta-util/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

this `impl` can be derived

warning: this `impl` can be derived
  --> specta-util/src/
11 | / impl Default for TypeCollection {
12 | |     fn default() -> Self {
13 | |         Self {
14 | |             types: HashMap::new(),
15 | |         }
16 | |     }
17 | | }
   | |_^
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::derivable_impls)]` implied by `#[warn(clippy::all)]`
   = help: remove the manual implementation...
help: ...and instead derive it
7  + #[derive(Default)]
8  | pub struct TypeCollection {

Check warning on line 38 in specta-rust/src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

unused variable: `s`

warning: unused variable: `s`
  --> specta-rust/src/
38 |         DataType::Struct(s) => {
   |                          ^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_s`
   = note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default

Check warning on line 1 in specta-util/src/export/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

module has the same name as its containing module

warning: module has the same name as its containing module
 --> specta-util/src/export/
1 | mod export;
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: for further information visit
note: the lint level is defined here
 --> specta-util/src/
2 | #![warn(clippy::all, clippy::unwrap_used, clippy::panic)] // TODO: missing_docs
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^
  = note: `#[warn(clippy::module_inception)]` implied by `#[warn(clippy::all)]`