Bio-based block device driver for log-structured storaging.
Driver was made for Linux kernel version 6.8.
You need to have the source code of your Linux kernel on your machine to build this module.
To see your kernel version, run uname -r
Kernel source code is usually located in /usr/src/
or in /usr/src/kernels/
. If you don't have your kernel there, you might need to install it from
From repo's directory, run make
. If you see an error, it can mean that you need to open Makefile and correct your kernel's location (or name).
It can also mean that your kernel version does not support this driver.
To insert module into running kernel, run insmod blkm.ko
To remove module from running kernel, run rmmod blkm.ko
To set base block device, run echo "/name-of-device" > /sys/module/blkm/parameters/blkm_base
To open base block device and create virtual device, run echo "1" > /sys/module/blkm/parameters/blkm_open
To close base block device and destroy virtual device, run echo "1" > /sys/module/blkm/parameters/blkm_close
Try reading or writing to virtual device with dd
It is highly recommended to run custom kernel modules not on your host machine, but on a guest (virtual) machine. Be aware that this module can CORRUPT or DESTROY your data if used carelessly. Please use it with caution.
Distributed under the GPL-2.0 License. Please see LICENSE for more details.