AMUSE production script for simulating the effect of a nearby supernova explosion on the Sun's circumstellar disk.
Get and build specific version of AMUSE and Rebound:
The script is run in 3 steps: Step 1: Calculate the effect of the radiation of the supernova on the progoplanetary disk. Step 2: Calculate the effect of the hydrodynamical blastwave on the (in step 1) irradiated disk. Step 3: Process the data
Step 1: %> mpiexec python -u src/ --SNname 11aof --inc 45 --Ndisk 100000 --Nray 7 --dt_diag 3 --dt 0.5 --ff 0.01 --Rsn 0.4 >
Step 2: %> mpiexec python -u src/ -f ID_Nd5Nr7Ms23Rs04pcff-2_i0244 >
Step 3: %> mpiexec python -u rdc/ -n 5 >