Create a scientific calculator program with user menu driven operations
- Square root function
- Factorial function
- Natural logarithm
- Power function
- Source control management: GitHub
- Testing: Junit
- Build: Maven
- Continuos integration: Jenikins
- Containerize: Docker and docker hub
- Deployement and configuration management: Ansible
- Monitoring: ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana
service jenkins restart
service jenkins status
mvn clean install
java -jar target/devopscalc-2021.1.war
sudo systemctl disable docker.service
sudo systemctl disable docker.socket
sudo systemctl status docker
docker run --name test -it image_name
docker start -i test
docker build -t sourabhpayal/devops-learn:latest .
docker run --name test -d -p 8090:8090 sourabhpayal/devops-learn:latest
docker logs -f test
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" test
service sshd status
docker exec -it test top
sh -f logstash.conf