'prompt$ cat {path_to_file} | php wordprocessor.php 1' : Pipe text to STDIN
'prompt$ php wordprocessor.php 2 {num_of_words}' : Generates words randomly from within PHP
'prompt$ php wordprocessor.php 3' : GETs 1000 words from API
Sample Output - with included text file: The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
$ cat ws.txt | php wordprocessor.php 1
[the] => 1
[project] => 331
[gutenberg] => 326
[ebook] => 17
[of] => 18307
[the] => 27842
[complete] => 248
[works] => 284
[william] => 354
[shakespeare] => 272
[locating] => 1
[gutindex] => 1)
** WordMapCount: 23802
** RunTime: 8 secs