A curated list of awesome Tandy Color Computer development resources, tools, docs and related projects. Inspired by the awesome list thing.
This work is donated to the public domain under the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
- Community
- Documentation
- Hardware
- Maker Community
- Programming
- Project Blogs
- Protocols
- Software Developmnt
- YouTube Channels
- CoCo Contacts Map
- CoCo Discord Server
- CoCo Facebook Group
- CoCo Game List
- CoCo Matrix Group
- CoCoFEST! conference
- CoCoList mailing list
- CoCopedia - Wiki
- Tandy Assembly conference
- The CoCo Crew Podcast
- The CoCo Nation Show
- CoCo 3 Hardware Programming
- CoCo 3 Schematic
- CoCo 3 Service Manual
- CoCo, GIME and GIME-X Memory Map Reference by Tim Lindner
- Color Computer PIAs
- Learning the 6809 - by Dennis Bathory Kitsz
- Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 Programmer's Reference - by Darren Atkinson
- Sockmaster's GIME Register Reference
- The Comprehensive Document of 6809 Undocumented and Undefined Behavior - by David Flammand
- Undocumented 6309 Behaviors - by David Banks
- Undocumented 6809 Behaviors - by David Banks
- GIME-X Installation and User Guide
- GIME-X Main Board Overview Video
- GIME-X Speed Test 2.86 MHz Video
- Installing the GIME-X Video
- Project Page
- Article
- Demo Program
- Programming the Game Master Cartridge - by John Linville
- SN76489 Music Player based on CyD
- SN76489 Technical Info
- Tool Program
- Tutorial Programming Video Series - by Mike Rowen
- OPL3BankEditor - Cross-platform OPL3 FM banks editor
- Programmer's Guide to Yamaha YMF 262/OPL3 FM Music Synthesizer
- Programming the OPL3 with the Color Computer
- Tandy Multi-Pak Interface Owners Manual
- Tandy Multi-Pak Interface Schematic
- Zippster MEGA-mini MPI (4-slots)
- Zippster mini-MPI (2-slots)
- Switch-a-roo - RGB to SCART cable
- Developer's Blog
- Disk Image Formats
- Distributor/Manufacturer - Zippster
- Documentation
- Media Player using streaming protocol
- Project Files
- WiFi SD Card Development Environment Video
- CoCo 2 USB Power Mod
- CoCo 3 RGB to SCART to HDMI Cable - by Barry Nelson
- CoCo Am9511 Pak - Arithmethic Processor Unit (AMD 9511) Cartridge by Don Barber
- CoCo Daiquiri - Replacement board for the SC77527P DAC Chip
- CoCo Joystick to USB adapter
- CoCo Motherboards
- CoCo-FujiNet - Multi-peripheral emulator and WiFi network device
- Development Cartridge
- Digital to Analog Joystick Circuit
- FlashPak - 512kB FLASH ROM Cartridge Unit
- Hardware Keyboard Encoder
- In-Circuit Emulator for 6809E processor
- RS-232 WiFi modem using ESP8266
- A Great Old-Timey Game-Programming Hack by Tom Moertel
- A Memo on the Secret Features of 6309
- Arcade Machine Conversion Overview by Glen Hewlett
- Assembly on a modern computer by Glen Hewlett
- Building CoCo Games with Inform by John Linville
- Byte Magazine 6809 Articles
- CoCo 3 Easter Egg
- CoCo Cross Development by Allen Huffman
- CoCo Disk BASIC disk structure - by Allen Huffman
- CoCo Loaders by William Astle
- Color BASIC Program On A Cartridge? by John Linville
- Color Computer Cartridge Dumping
- Compile C programs using MacOS or Linux by Glen Hewlett
- How to setup and use IRQs by Glen Hewlett
- Interfacing assembly with BASIC via DEFUSR
- Make PMODE 4 CSM Video Files by Glen Hewlett
- Motorola's 6809: The Best 8-bit?
- Optimizing 6809 Assembly Code by Glen Hewlett
- Translation of Article on the 63C09 in Oh!FM 1998-4: p.72
- Apple2CoCo - Apple II emulator
- Bedlam - Disassembly
- Color Max Deluxe (1987) - Original source code by Erik Gavriluk and Greg Miller
- Defender_CoCo3 - Conversion of William's arcade game by Glen Hewlett
- Delphiterm - Original source code by Rick Adams
- Downland - Downland V1.1 disassembly
- Dungeons of Daggorath - Original source code
- Dunjunz - Original source code by Ciaran Anscomb
- Ghidorah - Message protocol using custom RS-232 cables
- Infocom Adventure Games Interpreter - Original source code
- Joust_CoCo3 - Conversion of William's arcade game by Glen Hewlett
- Madness and the Minotaur - Disassembly
- MegaBug - Disassembly
- NitrOS-9 - Community-based distribution of Microware OS-9 operating system
- Pacman CoCo 3 Transcode - Transcode by Glen Hewlett
- Pyramid 2000 - Disassembly
- Raaka Tu - Disassembly
- Run-Dino-Run - Original source code by Paul Fiscarelli
- Shanghai - Original source code by Rick Adams
- Space Bandits - CoCo 3 and macOS video game by Jamie Cho
- Star Spores - Original source code by Dave Shadoff
- Temple of ROM - Author Rick Adams release (Disassembly by William Astle)
- Timberman - Original source code by Paul Thayer
- Zenix and Crystal City - Original source code by Jeremy Spiller
- Defender - M6809 arcade game
- Joust - M6809 arcade game
- Microsoft BASIC - Dragon 64 computer
- Robotron - M6809 arcade game
- Sinistar - M6809 arcade game
- Star-Wars - M6809 arcade game
- Stargate - M6809 arcade game
- 6809 Assembly with Steve Bjork - presented by Steve Bjork
- CMOC, Docker and Dynosprite - presented by Jamie Cho
- Floppy Disks In A High-Tech Vintage World - presented by Paul Fiscarelli
- Learn Your Color Computer Lessons 1-13
- Programming in BASIC Series - presented by Steve Strow
- Setting up Assembly Development Environment - presented by Paul Fiscarelli
- Setting up a Gotek for a Color Computer
- The CoCo Collector
- The Colorful History of the CoCo - presented by Boisy Pitre
- University of Florida Turbo9 project - presented by Kevin Phillipson and Michael Rywalt
- Video Game Development - presented by John Strong
- DriveWire 3 Server for Linux
- DriveWire 3 Server for Mac
- DriveWire 3 Server for Windows
- DriveWire 4 Installation Guide
- DriveWire Official Home
- DriveWire Specification
- DriveWirelessly Board - Video on install, configure and setup
- Getting Started with DriveWire
- Video Guide to PyDriveWire, DWterm and Telnet BBS
- pyDriveWire - Python implementation
- LWTOOLS - Cross-development Assembler for Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 Documentation Project Repository
- asm6809 - Portable cross assembler for Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 Documentation
- CMOC - Cross-compiler for a subset of the C language Documentation
- GCC 6809 - A port of the gcc compiler suite to the M6809 processor
- CoCo-Pi - Raspberry Pi based CoCo Emulation Distribution
- M6809 Online Emulator - A single page assembler, disassembler and emulator
- MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
- VCC - Virtual Color Computer Emulator
- XRoar Online - Dragon and CoCo 1,2,&3 Emulator in Web Browser
- XRoar - Dragon and CoCo 1,2,&3 Emulator
- File2DSK - Command line utility to copy BAS/BIN files to a DSK virtual disk
- Toolshed - Cross-development disk images tools Documentation
- cocostress - CoCo 3 RAM Stress Tester
- dasmfw - DisASseMbler FrameWork
- dmk2sdf - Command line tool to convert DMK images to SDF format. Includes source code.
- f9dasm - Disassembler
- m6809 tools - Motorola 6809 dev tools for Ubuntu
- m6809-dev - MSys2 mingw package builds for cross developing
- os9-dev - Arch Linux package builds for cross developing
- sgeditreborn - Web based low-res screen designer
- CRC-16-CCITT - by Ciaran Anscomb
- CRC32-6x09 - CRC-32 Library for H6309
- Exomizer - Packing tool by Magnus Lind
- LZSA - Fast Data Decompression by Marty Emmanuel
- SLZ - LZ77 based compression by Adisak Pochanayon
- ZX0 - by Einar Saukas
- Salvador - Fast, near-optimal ZX0 compressor - by Emmanuel Marty
- ZX0 6x09 Decompressor - by Doug Masten
- apultra - Optimal data compressor for apLib format by Marty Emmanuel
- dzip - Simple compression by Ciaran Anscomb
- 6809-sorting - Various sorting algorithms
- BASIC-To-6809 - BASIC compiler
- CoCoDevelopmentShell - Chet Simpson's Development Shell
- Dynosprite - Video game engine
- FP09 - Floating point routines written by Motorola
- KAOS Toolkit - Toolkit for multimedia files in retro game development, by Chet Simpson
- RSA For Color Computer - RSA key generation, encryption and decryption
- TLSF Memory Allocator
- MonCoCo - NoICE Monitor
- Motorola ASSIST09
- Percom PSYMON
- Cosmic Aliens Development by Steve Strowbridge
- Defender Conversion by Glen Hewlett
- Donkey Kong Emulator and Remixed by John Kowalski (Sock Master)
- Gloom-3D Demonstration by John Kowalski (Sock Master)
- Pac Man Conversion by Glen Hewlett
- Sock Master's CoCo Demos by John Kowalski (Sock Master)
- The Making of Fahrfall by John Linville