TicTacToe board validation in Haskel
Validates TicTacToe board, which is given in m-expr format without dictionaries:
Example: "l[l["x"; 0; "y"; 2; "v"; "x"]; l["x"; 0; "y"; 0; "v"; "o"]; l["x"; 1; "y"; 1; "v"; "x"]]"
Tic-Tac-Toe board is invalid if:
- NumberOfMoves('x') != NumberOfMoves('o') AND NumberOfMoves('x') != NumberOfMoves('o') + 1 (As 'x' start the game)
- 'x' and 'o' appears in the same position of the board
- Load GHCI (https://www.haskell.org/ghc/)
- Load TicTacToe and TestData modules using: < :l TicTacToe TestData >
- call 'validate' function which takes one parameter 'message', which is unparsed m-expr string
- validate function returns either 'True' or 'False'