title | author | date |
Stat545B Assignments |
Andrea_Ku |
10/31/2021 |
#For Assignment 2:
This package runs summary statistics with dplyr on data from the datateachr package. Summary statistics include minimum, maximum, and mean.
# install.packages("devtools")
#' @example
#' # An example of the function ran in Flow_Samples data set
#' @example
#' # An example of the function ran in Vancouver_Trees data set
#' @example
#' # An example of the function ran in Cancer_Sample data set
#For Assignment 1:
This repository was created to store a project for the Stat545B course at UBC. These assignments will help me practice and apply the concepts learned in lecture.
Assignment B1 overviews creating a function in R, documenting it with roxygen2 tags, and testing it with expect_() functions.
To engage with this repository, open RStudio and run the code contained in the rmd files.
Files contained in this repository:
README.md: Contains information about the files and the project scope
Assignment_B1: rmd file working script; md file was the knitted file to a github document