This is a repository for my mini data analysis project for stat 545.
10/25/2022 I fixed the output of the mini-analysis project to be an md file that contains the graphs directly.
This repository is a collection of two mini-data analysis projects for stat 545. The first was an exploration of creating research questions and making basic plots in ggplot of the data to help answer the questions. The second is an extension of the first where I narrow down to two research questions and practice basic lm models to better answer the questions. Furthermore, I practice modifying levels of categorical variables, more plotting, and practice with date columns.
To engage with the repository, all packages and libraries should be loaded at the top of the project and the research questions can be read to understand the target of each project. The instructions are included in each file for clarity, and the plots should all be printed in the html files for ease of understanding the outputs. If engaging with the repository, one should know that the file can be run from start to finish and has line by line comments explaining what each section of code aims to do.