The first version of the app can be found here.
The app was updated, and new version can be found here.
Welcome to my Gapminder World App repository! This app is created for users to explore the data regarding life expectancy, GDP per capita, and populations of different countries and continents. The data used in this app is collected from the gapminder data set, which provides data about the population, life expectancy and GDP in different countries of the world from 1952 to 2007. It's always very interesting to explore the development of different countries and continents around the world. This app allows users to explore the data of different continents and within different time range. Also, users can select which variables they are interested in. The variables selected will be graphed into a scatter plot. The app also allows users to download the tables and plots in case they would like to save the tables and plots.
This github repository was created for Assignemnt B3 and B4 of UBC Stat 545B (2022 Winter). This repository has two different folders. If you want to see the details related to the first version of the app, please open the Shiny App_Gapminder folder. If you want to see the details related to the updated version of the app, please open the Shiny App_Gapminder_Version2 folder.
For assignment B3, I chose Option B and created this Gapminder World App. The application has the following features:
- A selection box that allows users to choose the specific continent they are interested in
- A table containing the complete gapminder data set
- A scatter plot that allows users to explore the relationship between life expectancy and the GDP per capita
- Tables and plots can be downloaded
For assignment B4, I chose Option C, and updated the Gapminder World App. Several features and functions were added onto the first version:
- The theme of the application has changed
- Three pages were created: About, Data, and Plot
- About: a brief description of the app
- Data: includes a table complete gapminder data set, and in addition to selecting specific continents, users can also select the specific time range (in years) they would like to explore
- Plot: different scatter plots can be created based on whichever two variables the users want to explore, and when users click on the data points, specific values of the data points will be shown in an information box below the plots.
This app uses the gapminder dataset. More information regarding this data set can be found here. This data can also be downloaded as a .csv file through this github. It's called GapminderApp_data.csv within the Shiny App_Gapminder folder and the Shiny App_Gapminder_Version2 folder.