This repository contains code for STAT 545B's Assignments B3 and B4. This repository focuses on fulfilling the requirements of these assignments, which surround creating a shiny app. The original shinyapp allows you to investigate the relationship between penguin flipper length (mm) and body mass (g) for the palmerspenguins dataset. It contains a slider that filters by flipper length, with data visualised in a histogram, and summary statistics listed below. The new shiny app allows you to investigate relationships between a selected variable in relation to a selected flipper length (mm), across a selection of three different species. The app now includeds artwork by @allison_horst to improve aesthetics, give a visual representation of the three selectable penguin species, and give a visual on what bill length and depth refer to.
Assignment B3 - Penguin Body Mass App
Assignment B4 - Palmer Penguin Analysis App
File | Description |
---|---| | It provides a description of the repository. |
Assignment B3 - app.R | The shiny app I created for assignment 3, focused on the dataset penguins from palmerspenguins |
Assignment B4 - app.R | The shiny app I created for assignment 4, focused on the dataset penguins from palmerspenguins |
The dataset used in this app was palmerspenguins