This repository was created to complete Assignment's B3 and B4 of STATS545B. The goal of the assignment is to learn how to create a Shiny App with R and add features to it. The files in the repository are:
- app.R is the R script used to create the app for Assignment B4. It is modified code that was previously used to create Assignment B3.
- penguins.csv is a file that contains the penguins dataset used in the app.
- www is the folder that contains the "palmer penguins" image that was retrieved from:
This app was created so that a user can sort through penguins inside the palmerpenguins dataset to find only the ones that fit their specific criteria. The user inputs a range of body masses, the species of penguin, and the sex of the penguin and the output is a table of all of the penguins that fit that criteria. The user is then able to download the table with a list of penguins that fit their criteria. Two versions of the app exist and are listed below:
- Running instance of Assignment B3:
- Running instance of Assignment B4: