Small python script that decodes pager messages (AFSK, FSK, HAPN, ZVEI, POCSAG, FLEX, and many more) and forwards them to Telegram. The script uses rtl-sdr and multimon-ng ( to receive and decode the messages and pytgbot ( to forward the messages to Telegram (e.g., a Telegram channel)
- rtl-sdr compatible device, see (e.g., Realtek RTL2832U)
- RaspberryPi (optional)
- Python
- rtl-sdr
- multimon-ng
- pytgbot
For detailed instructions of how to setup a RaspberryPi for pager message decoding see
Once the prerequisites are met the script can be started
python --freq="<freq>" --prot="<protocols>" --min="<minimum message length>" --tID"<Telegram API ID>" --rID="<Telegram recipient ID>"
Example call to listen at 100.12MHz
for POCSAG 512/1200/2400
messages with minimum length of 25 characters
and sending them to the telegram recipient with the ID -1001004000133
(the used Telegram ID and recipient ID is fictitious. So don't use it.):
python --freq="100.15M" --prot="POCSAG512 POCSAG1200" --min="25" --tID="123456789:JKASDHLJASGDjhsagdjhagASasfdA" --rID="-1001004000133"
For convenience only. If you want the script to be started automatically you can use the provided shell script and add it to the crontab. It checks if the forwarder script is already active. If not it will be started. This is useful because the script crashes sometimes.