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A Test Program in Action
Full Processor Running Test Program [1]
All instructions take a minimum of three clock cycles to be performed as they must fetch the instruction, decode the instruction and execute the instruction, each of which take one clock cycle each. However some instructions may take more than this depending on how many micro-operations are required to implement the instruction.
**Branch + 8 : **Unconditional Branch (contained in control memory 9) - branches to start of user program (main memory 8).
Mov r0, #3 : Load immediate value instruction (contained in control memory 8).
**Ldr r1, [r0] : **Load value contained at memory address 3 into register 1.
Note upon fetching the instruction, the PC **is automatically incremented and the IL bit is set which results in the instruction register **(IR) latching the new value of the program counter. The decoding stage places the opcode into the control address register (CAR) and does not update the register file. Finally the instruction is executed and the next address field **_(NA) _**in control memory points to control memory location zero (the location of the fetch next instruction micro operation), MuxC and **_MuxS _**are set accordingly to ensure this address is then placed into the CAR.
This fetch, decode and execute procedure is repeated for all instructions.
Full Processor Running Test Program [2]
** 4. Add r2, r0, r1: **Add the contents of r0 and r1 together and store the result in r2: 3 + 6 = 9 = 1001
** 5. Inc r3, r2 : **Increment the value contained in r2 and store the result in r3: 9++ = 10 = 1010
** 6. Not r4, r3 : **Logical NOT the value contained in r3 and store the result in r4: !(000..1010) = (111..0101)
This page shows the processor making use of the functional unit in order to perform some arithmetic and logic operations on the values contained in the registers. The instruction contained at the memory address pointed to by the program counter is fetched, the opcode is then decoded and placed in the CAR. The CAR then points into control memory to the implementation of the desired instruction. These entries in control memory contain the relevant FS encodings for their respective operations. The 5 bit FS code is then used to control the **_functional unit _**resulting in the desired operations being performed. The control memory also contains all of the required signals to instruct the datapath to ensure the correct values are present on the A and B ports for the relevant instructions.
The Source A, Source B and Destination registers are all specified in the instruction contained in main memory. As discussed, when this instruction is decoded, the opcode is placed into the CAR, however the encoding for each of the source and destination registers are also decoded. These signals are then used to drive the datapath during the execute stage resulting in the correct registers being used as source registers and destination registers.
Full Processor Running Test Program [3]
** 7. BZ +2 : **Branch by 2 if zero is set
The conditional branch based on the **_Z _**flag is implemented starting at control memory 10.
Mux S is used in order to allow the **_Z _**flag to be used as the logic input to the CAR. Thus if the Z flag is 1, the next address will be taken by the CAR as opposed to the default increment.
Mux C is used to specify the source of the next address to be conditionally taken by the CAR and is set to 0 meaning the next address input will come from the control memory as opposed to the opcode.
The next address of the control memory entry for BZ is that of an **_unconditional _**branch.
This means that if the condition selected by Mux S is true, the next micro operation will be an **_unconditional branch _**by the offset specified by a concatenation of the 6 bits, 3 from port A and port B respectively.
Otherwise, the CAR will auto increment and the micro operation at the auto incremented address is essentially an unconditional branch to the instruction fetch control memory address, meaning the next sequential instruction will be fetched and no branch will have been taken by the program counter.
As the result of the previous operation was non-zero this branch will not be taken and thus the **_CAR _**will increment and proceed to fetch the next sequential instruction pointed to by the program counter.
** 8. Adi r5, r2, #4: **Add with immediate operand results in storing (r2 + 4) in r5: 9 + 4 = 13 = 1101
Full Processor Running Test Program [4]
** 9. B +1 : **Branch by 1 (B skip) - This is done to skip over the code that was to be executed if the conditional branch was taken.
** 10. Mov r6, #3: **Mov 3 into r6 to be used in the next operation.
Full Processor Running Test Program [5]
** 11. Sr r5, r6: **Shift r5 to the right by the number of times contained in r6 (Sr 1101, 3) ⇒ 0110 ⇒ 0011 ⇒ 0001
The shift operation by an arbitrary number of bits is implemented using a micro-coded solution. The temporary register (R8) is used to maintain a counter of how many times the source register has been shifted. After each iteration of the shift, this counter is decremented. After each shift operation the value of the counter is examined and the micro-code branches to instruction fetch if the **Z **flag is set. Otherwise the micro code branches backwards three positions in order to repeat this process.
Full Processor Running Test Program [6]
Finally the value of the counter reaches zero after three iterations and the microcode branches and fetches the next instruction from main memory.
** 12. Mov r7, #7: **Places the value of 7 into R7
- *_13→ inf: _ At this point the code repeatedly performs a unconditional branch backwards by one position.