The ultimate starter script for cool projects
Superstarter is a powershell script that allows you to perform task that you normally would have to do manually, automatically.
Clone the repository "git clone"
To use SuperStarter. Simply start the script in a powershell command window and write .\SuperStarter.ps1
You will be presented with a menu with choices. Select which project you want to use. The projects can be configured in the /config/config.json file
- Create a new feature branch called "alex-feature" based on master and changes to it.
git checkout -b alex-feature master
- Start working to make your changes
- Alex do some changes and adds one or several commits.
git status
git add (or .)
git commit
- This command pushes alex-feature to the central repository (origin), and the -u flag adds it as a remote tracking branch. After setting up the tracking branch, Alex can call git push without any parameters to push his feature.
git push -u origin alex-feature
- Alex has finished his changes. Before merging it into master, he needs to file a pull request letting the rest of the team know she's done. But first, he should make sure the central repository has his most recent commits:
git push
- First, whoever’s performing the merge needs to check out their master branch and make sure it’s up to date. Then, git pull origin alex-feature merges the central repository’s copy of alex-feature. You could also use a simple git merge alex-feature, but the command shown above makes sure you’re always pulling the most up-to-date version of the feature branch. Finally, the updated master needs to get pushed back to origin.
git checkout master
git pull
git pull origin alex-feature
git push