This Project requires a version of GO 1.19.3 or later
A Code Editor
step 1: clone the DEV Branch using "git clone "
step 2: Branch out to your feature branch " git checkout -b "your-feature-branch" "
step 3: Set upstream to DEv " git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/dev feature "
step 4: pull latest work " git pull "
you can start working N/B: "once your done making your feature please pull again before commiting"
step 5: " git add . && git commit -m "Your commit message" "
step 6: " git push origin "Your-feature-branch":dev ",named%20hello.go%2C%20which%20contains%20the%20following%20lines%3A%20
Stop the running app and build docker image: docker build -t .
docker image ls
docker run -p port:port <image-name>
Check the output at http://localhost:port/ or or
docker ps
docker tag <image-name> <dockerhub-username>/<docker-image:version-number>
docker login
docker push <dockerhub-username>/<docker-image:version-number>