Latest revision: 1 March 2021
astropy, joblib, psutil
usage: [-h] --file FILE [--output OUTPUT] [--H0 H0]
[--Omega_M OMEGA_M] [--nint NINT] [--nmc NMC]
Programme to do compute the isotropic energy of GRBs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE Input file
--output OUTPUT Prefix of output file (Default: out_$FILE)
--H0 H0 Hubble constant (Default: 67.3 km/s/Mpc)
--Omega_M OMEGA_M Hubble constant (Default: 0.315)
--nint NINT Number of steps in numerical integration (Default: 100)
--nmc NMC Number of steps in MC simulation (Default: 5000)
python --file energy_input
put a '#' in front of the GRB ID
The program returns the isotropic energy between 1 kev and 10000 keV. In addition it also computes the k-correction as defined in Bloom et al.(2003).