Designed to be a mobile tour of the various sites being installed at California State University, Sacramento.
- Create a virtualenv inside of the repo.
Edit the activation script to include:
# Custom deactivate for django unset DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
in deactivate() right above
unset pydoc
At the very bottom of the script include
# Custom activation for django DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="stormwater_tour.settings.development" export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
This if for development, which can replaced for production later.
- Install python packages listed in requirements.txt. Insure the virtualenv is sourced before this step.
pip install -r requirements.txt
As an additional note, any time a package is added to the project as a requirement a new requirements.txt must be generated by using:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Copy to include the secret key.
- Use favorite tool to change REDACTED to the correct key.